Factors That Affect The Enrollment Of High School Females In Arsi Zone

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The major ohjcc tive of til is stlld,' lVas to Ill:lkc :In investigation into the currcnt clI'olhllentrnof ICllIaic studcnts in Arsi !one Iligh Scil ouls, to identify the nwjor causes i.c. schoolrnrelat cd fa ctors (distan ce, teachcrs allitlld cs. scxual ilarassllIcnt , lack of guidancc andrncounseling and schoul L1ciliti cs) and to pinpoint ;'tile major areas of intervcntion by thernschuol pcrso nn el, /'onal education bu rc;nl, regional policy makcrs and clilicationalrnplanners.rnTo achicvc this obj ccti ve. a dcscriptivc SUIVC" mcthod lVas uscd. ])ata Ii'um ducumcntsrnwere sccured from the annual abstra cts of tilc I,IUE, OED, Arsi Zonc Educ;tioJ1al Durcaurnand the iligh schools included in the stud ),. td oreovcr, qu es tionnaires, (strueturcd amirnunstructurcd) were administc red to 379 !Cmalc stlld ents, 49 tcachers and 13 schoolrnpersolulcl. Strueturcd and unstru ct ured int erviews were also prcscntcd to school pcrsonncl.rnEnrollmcnt, pronlOt ion, rcpetition and dro pout rates and pereentagc of fcmalc clI'ollmcntrnwcrc eal eulatcd to examine the participa tioJ) of femalc studcnts in Arsi Zone High schoolsrnwhen cumparcd wi th males in Ihc region for lilc year In7 to 1991 E. C. Bcsides tilis,rnpcrccnt agcs of Chi-square and I-score wcre uscd tu analyze the data obtained Ii'olllrn'I ucstionnai res.rnThc study findings imlicat ed th;lt school-related factors such as location (distance tornschool), teachcrs attitudcs scx ual il,1rassm cnt , lack of gui dance and counseling, prcgnaneyrnand inadequatc schuul fa cililies in higil sc houls IVcrc idcnlilied as a probicill i,"' luw ratcrncllrolhllcllt or felltale students ill Irsi lonl' high schools.

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Factors That Affect The Enrollment Of High School Females In Arsi Zone