Background: leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae, rnthat predominantly affects the skin and peripheral nerves, resulting in neuropathy andrnassociated long-term consequences, including deformities and disabilities. The diseasernis associated with stigma, especially when deformities are present. rnrnObjective: To assess the level of knowledge and attitude towards leprosy among nonrnleprosy patients visiting ALERT Hospital from May 2021 to August 2021 G.C.rnrnMethod: A cross sectional study was conducted among patients who visited ALERTrnhospital in the time frame mentioned above . The data was collected by using arnstructured self-administered questionnaire. Then was analyzed using SPSS Versionrn25. The results will be shared to ALERT hospital, AAU College of Health Sciences,rndepartment of Dermatovenerology, School of Public health and FMOH.rn rnResults: Among 260 study participants, 249 (95.76%) of them had heard aboutrnleprosy. Among the study participants who had heard of leprosy, only 25 (10%) ofrnthem had high level of knowledge of leprosy. Binary logistic regression revealed thatrnstudy participants who completed primary, secondary school and Diploma andrnabove(P=0.007,0.003 and 0.023 respectively) were significantly associated with highrnlevel of knowledge of leprosy.rnrnOut of 249 study participants who had heard of leprosy, 183 (73.5%) had a favorable rnattitude toward leprosy. Study participants who are in age range between 18-25 andrnnot educated (P=0.011 and 0.044) and those who completed grade 1–8 and farmersrn(P= 0.003)were significantly associated with favorable attitude toward leprosy.rnHaving high knowledge of leprosy was NOT associated with favorable attitudesrntoward leprosyrnrnConclusion: This study revealed low overall knowledge of Leprosy among the nonrnLeprosy patients visiting Alert Hospital . Having a high overall knowledge level onrnleprosy has not been shown to support a favorable attitude toward leprosy.