Magnitude And Clinical Pattern Of Vitiligo At Alert Center Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

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Abstract rnBackground: Vitiligo is an acquired, idiopathic, and worldwide common depigmentationrndisorder with an estimated prevalence from 0.5 to 2%. The total number of people suffering fromrnvitiligo is estimated at around 65-95 million people worldwide and little known about Vitiligo inrnEthiopia rnObjective: To determine the magnitude and clinical pattern of vitiligo in ALERT hospitalrnMethodology : A retrospective cross-sectional descriptive study of medical records of patientsrndiagnosed with vitiligo was conducted from January 2019 to December 2020rnResults: The Hospital magnitude of vitiligo was found to be 2.8 % and there was arnslight female preponderance with 529(48.8%) males and 554(51.2) females, giving arnmale to female ratio of 1: 1.05. The commonest clinical form of vitiligo was vitiligornVulgaris type 50(33.3%) followed by focal vitiligo40 (26.7%), acrofacial vitiligo 19rn(12.7%), mucosal 21(14%) The most common site of the presentation wasrncombination face& neck+trunk+limb 51(34%), head and neck 32 (21.3%),rnperiorificia+distal finger20 (13.3%), followed by the mucosa 17(11.3%). rnConclusions vitiligo on the skin of color is usually a very striking disease .our findings that thernpattern of vitiligo is similar to that reported from the other parts world.

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Magnitude And Clinical Pattern Of Vitiligo At Alert Center Addis Ababa Ethiopia.