Correlation Of The Clinical Diagnosis Of Cutaneous Leshmaniasis With Skin Slt Smear Histology And Culture At Dermatology Clinic Alert Center From May 2018 To May 2020 G.c Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

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Background: Leishmaniasis is a complex of diseases caused by the protozoa Leishmania and rntransmitted by the bite of infected phlebotomine sandfies.rnclinical diagnosis of CL may be possible in endemic areas.since the treatment is potentially toxic rnlaboratory confirmation is mandatory.rnrnObjective:To asses correlation of clinical diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis with positive rnlaboratory tests used for the identification of leishmania parasite (skin slit smear ,culture andrnhistopathology)among clinically diagnosed cases at dermatology clinic ,ALERT center from Mayrn2018 to May 2020 G.C Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. rnMethodology: retrospective review of medical records of patients diagnosed with cutaneousrnleishmanias in ALERT Hospital, AA, Ethiopia from May 2018 to May 2020 was performed .rnPatient medical records retrieved and analyzed using SPSS Version 24. rnThe results will be submitted to ALERT hospital, AAU College of Health Sciences, Department ofrnDermatovenerology, School of Public Health and FMOH. rnResults: Total of 215 were clinically diagnosed as cutaneous leishmaniasis by the dermatologistrnand dermatology residents. rnOut of 215, 158 (73.5%) patients were slit-skin-smear (SSS) positive,culture was done for 57rnpatents ,25 /215(11.6%) and histopathology done for 32/215(14.9% ), from these LD body seen inrn4/32(12.5%) and in 25/32(78.13%) suggestive histology result and in 3/32(9.34%) diagnosis ofrnother diseases was made. rnConclusion: In our study , slit-skin-smear (SSS) positivity was 73%(158/215), culture positivityrnwas 43.84%(25/57) and histopathology positivity was 90.6% (29/32). rnFrom total of 215 clinically suspected case 208 cases was diagnosed with one of the investigationrnmodality SSS,culture or histopathology.Therefore clinical suspected cases by the clinician becamern96.7% (208/215) positive. rnRecommendation: In limited resources setting and clinical accuracy of 96.7 %, clinical diagnosisrnby a dermatologist showed significantly comparable positive result with the laboratoryrninvestigation

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Correlation Of The Clinical Diagnosis Of Cutaneous Leshmaniasis With Skin Slt Smear Histology And Culture At Dermatology Clinic Alert Center From May 2018 To May 2020 G.c Addis Ababa Ethiopia.