Pattern Of Autoimmune Bullous Disorders Based On Histopathological Diagnosis In Alert Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021 An Eight Years (2014-2021) Retrospective Study

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Background: Autoimmune bullous diseases are a group of rare, acquired disorders causingrnblistering of the skin and/or mucous membranes characterized by overlapping features, resistancernto treatment, and run a chronic course associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Thernincidence of autoimmune bullous diseases among the general population is reported asrn14.5/million/year. Therapy of bullous diseases consists of suppressing the immune system,rncontrolling inflammation and improving healing of erosions. Majority of autoimmune bullousrndiseases are chronic diseases that can cause physical and emotional distress which is exacerbatedrnby the need to often have lifelong treatment with immunosuppressive therapies that havernpotentially severe adverse effects. To the knowledge of the investigator, there is no studyrnconducted regarding the prevalence of auto immune bullous diseases in Ethiopia.rnObjective: Assess the pattern of autoimmune bullous diseases based on histopathologicalrndiagnosis in ALERT/AHRI hospital from 2014-2021 rnMethods: A retrospective cross sectional study was conducted at ALERT/AHRI.rnHistopathologic reports of all patients from January, 2014- June, 2021 were reviewed and casesrnwith autoimmune conditions were selected. Obtained data were coded and entered using EpiDatarnversionrn4.6.0.2,rnandrnitrnwasrncleanedrnandrnanalyzedrnusingrnSPSS.rnDescriptivernanalysisrnofrnbasicrnrnparticipant’srncharacteristicsrnandrndiseasernpatternrnofrnautoimmunerndiseasernwasrnconducted.rn rnrnResult:rnrnFrom the 13,563 patients sent for biopsy analysis, 134 patients were sent forrnhistopathology confirmatory test for AIBD in the study period, 86 study participants who full fillrnthe operational definition were enrolled and analyzed. Among these 37.2% of them were malernand the rest 62.8% were female, with a mean age of 40.9 year, the minimum age of diseasernonset being 7 month of age and the maximum age of disease onset was 82 years old. The mostrnfrequent AIBD was Bullous pemhigoid with 34.8% (n=30), followed by pemphigus foliaceousrnand pemphigus vulgaris each being 24.4% (n=21). rnrnConclusion and recommendations: This study found bullous pemphigoid is the most prevalentrnin the assessed institution site. The overall mean age of the patients being 40.9 years, with arnminimum age of 7 month and maximum of 82 years. Moreover, AIBD was seen in higherrnpredominance in female patients, it is recommended for researchers to conduct a prospectivernstudy including other hospitals with a clinical correlation plus a qualitative study to assess howrnto improve the quality of life for such patients. Moreover, it is recommended to use arnconfirmatory diagnosis of AIBD i.e. immunofluorescence study for further researches.

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Pattern Of Autoimmune Bullous Disorders Based On Histopathological Diagnosis In Alert Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021 An Eight Years (2014-2021)  Retrospective Study