In the present research landslide hazard evaluation and zonation was conducted in and around Aba-ala town, northern Ethiopia. The aim of this research is to evaluate landslide hazard and preparing hazard zonation map of the study area using Expert evaluation techniques (SSEP). Slope stability susceptibility evaluation parameter (SSEP) rating scheme is an expert evaluation technique that is based on the past experience of researcher over causative and triggering factors and their relative contribution for slope instability. The intrinsic factors (relative relief, slope morphometry, structural discontinuity, slope materials, groundwater condition, and land use land cover) and triggering factors (rainfall, seismicity, and manmade activity) were considered and data on that parameter collected from the field and secondary sources. Generally the study area classified into 62 facets, the rating provided for each parameter facet wisely, and the evaluated landslide hazard obtained by adding individual parameters for each facet. rnBased the value obtained from evaluated landslide hazard (ELH), the study area classified into High, Moderate and Low hazard zones. The landslide hazard zonation map done by SSEP rating schemes indicates 27% (27km2) falls with high hazard zone, 37% (37km2) falls into moderate hazard zone and 36 % (36 km2) falls into low hazard zones. rnBased on the inventory data obtained from Google Earth and field observation, 31past landslide events have been recognized. From 31 past landslide events in the area, 17(55%) falls within High hazard zones, 11 (35%) occurred on Moderate hazard zone and 3 (10%) falls into low hazard zones. The verified zonation map shows 90% of existing landslide event occurred in high and moderate hazard zones of prepared LHZ map. Thus the LHZ map validation provides satisfactory results.