Stabilizing Expansive Subgrade Soil On A Selected Road Section In Eastern Part Of Ethiopia In Somalia Region Jigjiga Tuli

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The long-term performance of any construction project depends on the soundness of thernunderlying soils. Unstable soils can create significant problems for pavements or structures.rnIn order to avoid most of the problems that has been appearing on the upper layer of anyrnpavement it is better to treat the subgrade soil. To achieve the research objectives, subgradernsoils samples were collected along the corridor of the road section and evaluated for theirrnphysical and geotechnical properties. The laboratory results of previous investigations on thernarea show that approximately 71 percent of the existing soil has a plastic index (PI) rangingrnfrom 27 to 35 percent and a liquid limit (LL) ranging from 55 to 70 percent with an average ofrn62.5 percent and

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Stabilizing Expansive Subgrade Soil On A Selected Road Section In Eastern Part Of Ethiopia In Somalia Region Jigjiga Tuli