Mapping Of Ferric (fe3) And Ferrous (fe2) Iron Oxides Distribution Using Aster And Landsat 8 Oli Data In Negash Lateritic Iron Deposit Northern Ethiopia.

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Iron play important role in the industrial and engineering development of a country and there is arnrapid demand for iron in Ethiopia. However, the search for valuable and means of primary mineralrnresource exploration remains challenging and costly. Therefore, this study aims to map iron oxidernminerals using Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Advanced Spaceborne ThermalrnEmission and Reflection Radiometer satellite imagery in Negash Lateritic iron deposit, NorthernrnEthiopia. Different image processing techniques such as band ratio, selective principal componentrnanalysis, linear spectral unmixing and mixture tuned matched filter were used to produce ironrnoxide maps. Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF), Pixel Purity Index (PPI) and N-dimensionalrnvisualizer were also applied to extract endmembers in Automated spectral hourglass wizard. First,rnNormalized Difference Vegetation Indices (NDVI) were calculated and values greater than 0.4rnand 0.3 for ASTER and Landsat 8 OLI were used to mask vegetation and, reduce the effects ofrnvegetation on the processed image, respectively. Band ratio of band-2/band-1 and band-5/band-3rn+ band-1/band-2 of ASTER, band-4/band-3 and band-6/band-4 of Landsat 8 OLI was used to maprnferric (3+) and ferrous (2+) respectively. In addition to this, the enhanced image thresholding (fromrnratio, selective PCA and unmixing) through a varying percentage of confidence level and scatterrnplot (from MTMF) were used to map anomalous (potential) areas. Ferric iron oxide band ratio ofrnASTER mapped maximum area of 62.1 km2rnfollowed by a laterite band ratio of ASTER coveringrn57.8 km2. The result shows a high correlation between results obtained using selective PCA withrnr = 0.59, and r = 0.3 moderate correlation between ferric iron, a poor correlation for ferrous ironrnwith r = 0.22. The correlation result shows that iron oxides mapped from the selective principalrncomponent analysis have a better correlation with one another. The result was validated usingrnexisting iron oxide polygons and results obtained from selective PCA show a strong match withrnthe existing iron oxide polygons. The sub-pixel mapping techniques show poor accuracy inrnmapping goethite and hematite relative to the pixel level. Results obtained from ASTER imagesrnshow a better match with the existing iron oxide polygons. The comparison shows ASTER mappedrnbetter than Landsat 8 OLI for band ratio selective PCA, unmixing and MTMF. In poor countriesrnlike Ethiopia applying these techniques is a good option to map and use as preliminary explorationrntools.

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Mapping Of Ferric (fe3) And Ferrous (fe2) Iron Oxides Distribution Using Aster And Landsat 8 Oli Data In Negash Lateritic Iron Deposit Northern Ethiopia.