The Effect Of Land Use Land Cover Change On Hydrologic Response Of Wukro-genfel Catchment Tekeze Basin Ethiopia

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The environment of the northern Ethiopia highlands are seriously affected by landrndegradation, mainly caused by the combined effects of deforestation, overgrazing, expansionrnof cropland and unsustainable use of naturaJ resources. These have also a potential effect onrnthe runoff, infiltration, sedimentation and other hydrologic parameters. The main objectivesrnof the current study are to assess land use land cover change that occurred during 1986-2007rnand its effect on the hydrologic response of Wukro-Genfel catchment, in Tekeze river basin.rnThe widely used Soil Conservation Service - Curve Number (SCS-CN) method was integratedrnwith Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) techniques. The analysisrnrevealed an overall decrement of woodland, scrub and grassland by 2.9%, 2.2% and 4.7%rnrespectively and increment of farmland, shrub and bareland by 8.6%, 3.1% and 2.3%rnrespectively over the past twenty one years (1986-2007). Considering Antecedent MoisturernCondition (AMC) II which is moderate soil moisture condition and taking 36mm of rainfallrnevent, there was a decrement of runoff depth by 37. 6% for shrub to woodland change, 6.1%rnfor scrub to shrub change and 2.1% for scrub to farmland change with Hydrologic SoilrnGroup (HSG) A, A and B respectively. On the other hand, there was an increment of runoffrndepth by 30.4% for woodland to farmland and by 3.7% for farmland to bareland with HSG Brnand C respectively. Out of the whole land uselcover classes, woodland plays significant rolernon runoff generation and its spatial distribution. Thus, Special attention should be given tornsloppy river banks where high nmoff is generated. The total volumetric runoff was decreasedrnon average by 17.6% during the period 1986-2000 mainly due to the increment of woodland.rnAn average increment in the total volumetric runoff was also observed by 13.5% for thernperiod 2000-2007 caused by the depletion of woodland in the area.rnKey Words: Land use land cover, Runoff, SCS-CN, Hydrologic Soil Group (HSG),rnRemote Sensing, GIS

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The Effect Of Land Use Land Cover Change On Hydrologic Response Of Wukro-genfel Catchment Tekeze Basin Ethiopia