Investigations Of Landslide Problem Using Geophysical Techniques Around Debresina-armanja Main Road In Tarmaber Woreda Northern Shewa Zone Ethiopia

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Geophys ical and geo logical in vesti gat ions have been conducted 1'01' land slide problcmrncharacteri zation of the exist ing main road of the study area. The s ite is located in betlle~nrnDebres ina and Armaniya towns. Tarmaber Wereda. north ern Sheila Zone of Amhara Regiolllce of the problematic main asphaltrnroad. identi fy tri ggering mechani sms of land slide problem. and recommend possible mitigationrnmeasures based on the geo-elect ri cal res isti vity stratil·ication of the site and magnetic anomaliesrnobta ined over the survey area. Geophysical investigations using 2D electrical imaging andrnmagnetic methods havc been conducted Il)r the land slide problem of the road located HI kebdc'rnDokakitnear Sar Amba Kidan cm hir~tloe al it betlleenDebrL' Si na and lrmania t""lh.rn1- 1'0111 the resuhs or the survc). it has been possihk to map thl: ~ Iidillg ;-,tl b:-,u rl ~ ICl: or the g~ologiL'rnlayers, their ve rti ca l and lateral extents. It has al so been poss ible to map areas 01· lIeakncS in thernsubsurlace that could be causing and damaging to the lile of the road. According t" therninterpretation of the geophysical result s. the ncar stll·face geolog) of the study area includesrnfragmented and di sturbed la ye rs togcth er "ith expansive clay soils which have also conside rab l)rncause of sliding problem over the area. In profile three the cia) so ils are mueh thicker than thernoth er two profil es. In prolile three low res istiv ity deposits are dominant particularl) in thernnortheastern side of the survey area. These deposits are may be hugc deposits ol· the fragme nt alrnbasalt and expansive clay so ils that arc moved down the slope and accllmulated in location " I'rnprolile three whic h is jll st doVn the road .rnBased on the joinl interpretation or the result s. the Slirve) ed area has possi ble slide lone II hich "rncharacterized by Ij·agmented and structural I) disturbed po rt ion IIhicl! staib rrom "lnhlSt h,&"Cthernsurveyed line toVards north cast direc tion . This is interpret ed to be the re'I)(>I"e 01· thL' "'lierrnsaturated, lIeathercd and fractu red ba sa lt rocK . I·here is also l"nlbliLie "rkcted sllbsurillce tltalrnc.hibib intermedi ate apparent re~istivit) alue ~ l.'uillprise~ of thl' ~U Ulllt: ~t end or 1il(' ~lIncl' drnproli lcs. This zone consists orsurlitce orllcakncss and some displaced rock units.rnAs conc ili sion I·j·om the work, the aspha lt road para ll el to the stll·ve) proliles has active slidillgrnproblem and cracks espec ially at the two ends or the profi les. The clifterent weak zones. deephrnIIcatheri ng cond ition s. ac tion of rain la lL springs and slope nature of th e stlld) arc" lIere therncausi ng lactors l'or this sliding problem. Therel'ore. special alieni ion should be given to maintainrnand protect from further sliding problem.

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Investigations Of Landslide Problem Using Geophysical Techniques Around Debresina-armanja Main Road In Tarmaber Woreda Northern Shewa Zone Ethiopia