Evaluation Of Land Degradation And Landsude Using Integrated Remote Sensing And Gis Approach Around Wolayita Sodo-shone Area Southern Ethiopia

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In this study two major environmental hazards, namely land degradation and landslide have beenrninvestigated. These hazards have clear dynamic relationships given that both are chaotic phenomenarnthat can be trigg~le e9..uilibrium situation occurring drastically and abruptly to thernenVironment. ,.rnSouthern Nation's National Peoples Region is one of the most populated regions in the country. Thernarea is situated in the western margin of the Ethiopian Main Rift system and it is structurallyrncontrolled and tectonically active. Therefore, the study area is an excellent site where natural andrnhuman induced or anthropogenic factors work jointly to result in such a staggering environmentalrndamage. Generally, it is a place where most favorable factors of land degradation and landsliderncoincide in space.rnAn integrated GIS and remote sensing approach was very helpful to study the intensity and extent ofrnthe two environmental hazards. The degradation rate that was calculated in areal base using crossrnclassification of temporal data shows the degradation rate is becoming severe with time. Therndegradation rate that was 1.8 sq. km/year between 1984 and 1995 has increased in to 3.1 sq. km/yearrnin recent times (till 2001). These figures show that the rate of degradation is increasing at an alarmingrnrate.rnThe amount of soil lost from the study area is estimated using cut and fill technique applied on 5rnrepresentative sites. Profiling was done using GPS reading taken at every 5-10m interval andrnorganized in a database. The volume loss calculated shows that 2,485,818 mS amount of soil is lostrnfrom 291,241 m'area; with the net lose per area being about 8.53 m~.rn~i1 Factors that are found to be significant in triggering the Land degradation in the study area includernstructure, lithology, landusc/ landcover, slope, soil, drainage, and climate. Similarly these factors withrnaddition of slope aspect play an important roll in aggravating the frequently occurring landslide.rnThe presence of all the factors that are responsible for the staggering environmental hazard and theirrncoincidence in space and time indicate that the area is highly prone to these hazards. Factors that arernconsidered to be responsible for the two environmental hazards were weighted in hierarchical orderrnusing the MCE approach to produce susceptibility maps that express the likelihood occurrences ofrnthe hazards in the area on the bases of the local terrain condition.

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Evaluation Of Land Degradation And Landsude Using Integrated Remote Sensing And Gis Approach Around Wolayita Sodo-shone Area Southern Ethiopia