Education For Human Capacity Building Achievements And Shortcomings In The Ethiopian Experience

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The study has examined the reasons behind the delinking of education and economicrndevelopment in Ethiopia. The growth of the economy was declining over time due to the growthrnof unemployment and underemployments of the educated labor force. For this, the misdirectedrneducation system was a major factor for the production of unskilled labor force that couldn’t bernproductive and job creator. Of which the Poor enrolment of vocational courses, method ofrndelivery, absence of relevant inputs, absence of industrial linkage as well as the existence ofrnunskilled teachers were the main determinants affecting the quality of education system. Inrnaddition, the development of the Ethiopian Educational Road-Map does not also review thernrelevance of education outcome which is similar to the existing education system. Taking intornconsideration the human capacity building, the ministry of education should revise the educationrnRoad-Map urgently.

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Education For Human Capacity Building Achievements And Shortcomings In The Ethiopian Experience