Multidimensional Energy Poverty And Its Dynamics In Rural And Small Towns Of Ethiopia A Fuzzy Set Analysis

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Ethiopia, like many others in the sub-Saharan Africa, hosts its largest share of populationrnin its rural areas and small towns. And among many factors, these areas of therncountry are characterized by having lower access to modern energy fuels. Thus, usingrnpanel data set constructed from the three rounds of Ethiopian Socio Economic Survey, thisrnpaper has attempted to investigate the level of multidimensional energy poverty and itsrndynamics in these areas. Unlike number of researches made on energy poverty, this paperrnhas attempted to divert from the traditional crisp poor non poor dichotomization usingrna fuzzy set approach which represent each household by the degree of energy poverty itrnfaced in values that range between zero and one through the use membership functions.rnGiven selected dimensions which include type of cooking fuel, indoor air pollution, sourcernof light and access to media and communication, and applying methods of average, intersectionrnand union as techniques to aggregate degree of deprivation across each dimensionrnselected, a fuzzy multidimensional energy poverty index for the study area was determined,rnand it was further decomposed to see which dimensions contribute the most for it. Duringrnthe first survey, households in the study area were found to be faced with 79.98% averagerndeprivation while experiencing a minimum degree of deprivation that reaches to 47.64%rnin each selected dimension. These numbers fall only slightly during the last survey wherernaverage deprivation declines to 72.41% while minimum deprivation in each selected dimensionrnfalls to 34.61%. Across each survey, households were found to be faced with arndegree of deprivation that is close to 100% at least in one of the dimensions selected. Thesernresults are further supported by a fuzzy set longitudinal analysis made with the applicationrnof joint membership functions. And the rate of re-entry is found to be 98.11% and exit ratern42.24%. Further, given the fractional nature of the dependent variable, dynamic fractionalrnregression was used to investigate the presence of state dependence, and a one percent risernin the propensity of experiencing deprivation in all dimensions in the previous period wasrnfound to cause a 3.8% rise in a given year’s deprivation overlap. And among other selectedrndeterminate variables of energy poverty, number of rooms available, proportion ofrnchildren aged seven and above, log of real income per adult equivalent and year of surveyrnare found to have significant and negative effect on households energy poverty. And proportionrnof labour aged female household members, living in rural areas, and compared tornregion Tigray living in other selected regions of the country are found to cause a significantrnand positive influence on households energy poverty.

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Multidimensional Energy Poverty And Its Dynamics In Rural And Small Towns Of Ethiopia A Fuzzy Set Analysis