Socio - Economic Determinants Of Child Schooling In Rural Households Of Ethiopia

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Education, being the major element in human capital theory, is analyzed in different perspectivernas it plays a pivotal role for the development of any country. The main objective of the study wasrntherefore to understand the major micro level socio-economic determinants of child schooling inrnthe case of rural Ethiopia. These determinants of ~chooling were initially hypothesized to includern. child's own characteristics; like age, marital status, gender, and participation in labour activities,rnHousehold characteristics; like head's age, marital status, gender, occupation, and education withrnhousehold size, availability of toilet and pipe water, educational expense and eqqub membershiprnlast one was the community level variables which include, availability of electricity and pipernwater in the community and, distance to school.rnTwo. models, binary pro bit model and ordered probit model, were used to estimate childrnschooling, current attendance and highest grade attained given by the current enrollment and thernhighest completed grades of children, respectively. Rural villages' representative cross-section •rndata from the ERHS of the 7'h round were employed in the analysis.rnThe main findings of the result supported the hypothesis that education, age, availability of pipernwater in the household are positively related to schooling outcome. The region where thernhousehold resides also has an effect on child schooling. Household size and gender however,rnwere found to be insignificant in explaining child schooling in the rural areas. In addition, somernvariables found to be significant for the two models uniquely.rnThe finding of the study revealed that schooling decision is influenced by the analyzed socio- .rneconomic variables and achieving a high level of education requires all rounded sustainablerndevelopment with well devised policies.

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Socio - Economic Determinants Of Child Schooling In Rural Households Of Ethiopia