Policy And Practice Of Teachers Continuous Professional Development Program In Government Primary Schools Of East Shoa Zone

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The purpose of this study was to assess the policy and practice of teachers’ Continuous rnProfessional Development program in selected government primary schools of East Shoa rnZone. Descriptive survey design was employed to achieve the intended objectives and to rnanswer the basic research questions. The study was conducted in 12 government primary rnschools, and stratified sampling was used to select these schools. The study consists of 99 rnteachers, 12 school principals, 4 cluster supervisors and 3 Woreda TDP experts. Teachers rnwere selected through simple random sampling technique. Purposely sampling method was rnused to select cluster supervisors and Woreda teachers’ development experts. Then rnavailability sampling technique was employed in selecting the schools principals that rndirectly follow CPD program. Questionnaire was the main data gathering instrument while rnstructured interview and analysis of documents such as CPD action plans and reports were rnemployed to enrich the data gathered through questionnaire. The data so collected rnquantitatively were analyzed using percentages, means and grand means while qualitative rndata were analyzed through descriptive narration. The major findings of the study were: rnthere was no problem of CPD policy document and implementation guideline in the school rnbut the use of the document was as much as moderate, not all teachers perceive CPD policy rnand Implementation guide lines positivity in the schools, majority of teachers and principals rndid not make effort to participate in CPD activities as intended in the policy, majority of the rnrespondents reported the existence of unsatisfactory support. Accordingly, the conclusion rndrawn is that though CPD policy has encouraging effects to develop the professional rncompetence of teachers, the use of the document and practicability of CPD program in rnprimary schools was low. Finally, necessary recommendations were made: stressing on the rnimportance of using CPD policy document and implementation guidelines, creating rncollaborative work culture, creating awareness, apply licensing, re-licensing, certification rnand career level for teachers, design systematic support, follow up and evaluation strategies rncontinuously; allocate the necessary materials, budget and giving emphasis to rnimplementation so as to reach the intended target of CPD

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Policy And Practice Of Teachers Continuous Professional  Development Program In Government Primary Schools Of East Shoa  Zone