The main objective of this study was to assess human resource development practices in rnGovernment secondary schools of West Hararghie Zone. To achieve this, a descriptive survey rnresearch design was employed. Questionnaires, interviews, and document analysis were used as rntools of data collection. Primary and secondary sources of data were used. The school rndocuments such as employee portfolios, schools strategic plans, and reports were used as a rnsecondary data source. The data were collected from 210 secondary school teachers selected by rnsimple random sampling, 20 principals and 10 supervisors were also selected by using rnavailability sampling while 10 Woreda Education Office deputy heads were selected rnpurposefully. Descriptive and inferential statistics such as Frequency, Mean, SD and t-test were rnpredominantly used to analyze the data. Finally the findings’ of the study indicated that the rnschools have HRTDP, done well on career & organizational development and performance rnappraisal. However the result revealed the absence of the systematic needs assessment, unclear rnobjectives of TDP, absence of clear and transparent TD criteria for selecting trainees and rncontents. The practice of preparing and implementing TDPs had been constrained by allocation rnof insufficient time, lack of adequate budget, selection of inappropriate trainees and contents,rninadequate training and development program, and absence of monitoring and evaluation. rnBased on the findings, it concluded that; due to lack of systematic training and development rnneeds assessment capacity and potentials of individuals had not been built for better future rnperformance, appropriate individuals were neglected from the selection for the TDPs, secondary rnschools and education leaders fail to measure the effects and benefits of the TDPs. Finally the rnstudy recommended that, appropriate attention to be given to training and development needs rnassessment, allocation of necessary resources for TDP, planning TDP in association with rnstrategic plan, applying on-the-job methods, creating systematic monitoring and evaluating rnpractices of TDP, and giving more emphasis on professional development rather than other rnactivities in secondary schools and woreda education offices