Leadership Practices In Primary Schools Of Sebeta City Adimnistration In Oromia Regional State

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The objective of this study was to investigate leadership practices in government primary rnschool of Sebeta City Administration. The study investigated‟ leadership styles based on rnthe perception of teachers and leaders self-rating about their leadership styles. To rninvestigate this topic a descriptive research design, with mainly quantitative data rnsupplemented by qualitative research methods to enrich the data, was employed.rnPurposive sampling was used to select 7(50%) schools from 14 government primary rnschools in Sebeta City Administration and 34 school leaders available in selected rnschools, 80 school teachers (randomly selected using the lottery method) participated in rnthe study. Data gathering instruments including questionnaire, interviews and document rnanalysis were used. In addition to these a pilot test was conducted in one Governmentrnprimary school and the researcher checked its appropriateness and corrects respondents’rncomments. The quantitative data was analyzed by using statistical instrument SPSS rnversion 20; including, frequency percentage, mean scores, standard deviation, t-test and rnP-value. The results suggested that majority of leaders were perceived to use democratic,rnautocratic and laissez-faire leadership styles accordingly. Few leaders were found using, rnonly autocratic and laissez-faire leadership styles, less communication between teachers rnand leaders, lack of willingness to accept suggestions from subordinates and lack of rnfairness in subordinate treating. Finding indicates that most of school leaders were rnconsidered to be practices all leadership style based on context. The study recommends rnthat there should be a concerted effort to maintain and improve the quality and capacity rnof school leaders particularly in regard to sharing responsibility with teachers and other rnstakeholders and leaders will use leadership styles depends on the context they are facing rnand the people with whom they are working. It is recommended that Sebeta City rnEducational Office along with other stakeholders need to prepare and give leadership rnskills training that will enhance leadership skills and practices towards use all leadership rnstyle based on situation. Moreover, a strong monitoring and supportive supervision rnsystem should be implemented.

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Leadership Practices In Primary Schools Of Sebeta City Adimnistration In Oromia Regional State