Factors Affecting Quality Of Education In Government Secondary Schools Of South Ari Woreda Snnp Regional State

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The purpose of this research was to assess factors affecting quality of education in government secondary rnschools in SNNPR Regional State, South Ari woreda. The study was directed by 3 research questions. rnThese involved: what are the major inputs factors affecting the quality of education in secondary schools? rnHow does teaching and learning processes affect the quality of education in secondary schools? And rnwhat is the state of performance of learners in government secondary schools? A mixed research design rnwas used and jointly qualitative data and quantitative data employed , analyzed, interpreted and merged rnto give sense. The target population was all the 6 secondary schools of South Ari woreda were involved in rnthis study. The sample scopes of this study were 5 woreda education experts, 18 PTA members, 2 rnsupervisors, 6 principals, 5 five vice principals, 51 teachers and 240 students. Teachers and students rnwere selected by stratified sampling technique while woreda education experts, supervisors, principals, rnvice principals and PTA members were selected using purposive sampling technique. Organized rnqualitative and quantitative data were used. The tool employed to gather data from the respondents were rnquestionnaire both open and cloth ended, interview, observation and documents. The quantitative data rnwere examined by means of frequency and percentage. The qualitative data was studied through rnnarration. In addition, direct observation checklist and document analysis guide were also used to rnqualitative data in school situations. The result of the study indicated that the major input factors affect rneducation quality are: shortage of teaching and learning materials, text books, adequate reference books, rninsufficient toilet facilities, lack of clean drinking water, shortage of computer and internet access, rnshortage of qualified teachers, principals and laboratory experts. Teaching learning process related rnfactors untimely teaching methods, inappropriate continuous assessment, students low motivation and rninterest in education, low motivation of teachers because of low salary and incentives, students parent rnlow perception towards education, distance from school and lack of parent visit the learning activities of rntheir children and low students parent education background were among the major factors that affect rnthe quality of education in secondary schools of south Ari woreda is SNNPR regional state. Based on the rnfindings recommendations are made to alleviate the existing problems. South Ari woreda secondary rnschools and south Ari woreda education office in collaboration with religion and social organization, rnNGOs, and regional education biro with MoE should improve the availability of educational materials rnand facilities, upgrade teachers and school administrative bodies, provide in-service training, motivating rnteachers by providing various incentives, improve method of teaching, build more secondary schools rnincrease the accountability of each stakeholders in education and others which are expected to solve the rnrecognized difficulties were recommended.

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Factors Affecting Quality Of Education In Government Secondary Schools Of South Ari Woreda Snnp Regional State