Womens Participation In Educational Administration In Ethiopia

Educational Planning And Managment Project Topics

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The purpose of this study was to make an investigation intornsome of the factors that resulted in the underrepresentation ion of womenrnin educational administration in Ethiopia.rnBoth micro (internal) and macro (external) variables were treatedrnto meet the objective of this study. These included the effect of sexrnrole socialization, the state of home-work interface, the impact ofrninstitutional sex segregation mechanisms and the level of women'srnaspiration to positions ~n educational management. Besides, with t .hernintention to determine how effectively practicing female educationalrnadministrators discharge their duties, comparison was made between thernmanagerial styles of female and male school principals as viewed byrntheir staff.rnThe data were collected through questionnaire and interview withrn205 female and 192 male teachers, 12 female and 12 male schoolrnprincipals 10 male inspectors and 6 female educational administratorsrncurrently working at Ministry of Education. . various statisticalrntechniques such as percentages, t-test , chi-square, the correlationrncoefficient, z-test and ANOVA were used to analyse t he data.rnThe results suggested that at individual level teachers of bothrnsexes developed attitudes largely consistent with traditionalrnassignment of role according to gender. For most respondents the rolernof women were, thus, perceived to be teaching than educationalrnleadership. On the other hand, the effect of women's familyrncommitments were not evidenced as so severe as had been conceived inrnblocking their initial entry to educational management. However,rnfamily related factors were still influential variables in limitingrnthe up-ward mobility of women who ones secured entry levelrnadministrative positions.rnDifferential treatments during anticipatory socialization andrnlimited access of women to get their same sex role model representedrnamong personnel promotion committee are some of the institutionalrnvariables that promote opportunities along sexual lines . Besides, thernfinding disclosed low level of institutional commitment to undertakernaffirmative action strategies and supportive mechanisms that may helprnreduce the existing gender gap in educational management.rnGenerally , while women showed less aspiration to positions inrneducational management , the findings from this study did not makernc l ear whether this is a response to limited opportunity accompanyingrndiscrimination, or a choice on the part of women for their role inrnthe society, suggesting an area for further research.rnThe observed result regarding the leadership styles of female andrnmale school principals showed no significant sex difference in mostrnof the dimensions the groups were assessed. Thus, this resultrnprovided evidence which defies the socialization assumption of skillrndeficiencies in managerial role as explanation for women's grossrninequalities in the field.rnFinally, sex unbiased anticipatory socialization in schools,rnshort and long term trainings for female teachers, change on thernorganizational culture of schools, the representation of female rolernmodels among the promotion committee, and the introduction of careerrncounseling programs were forwarded as major recommendations in orderrnto help improve these variables and facilitate women's entry andrnadvancement in educational administration.

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Womens Participation In Educational Administration In Ethiopia