Employees Performance Appraisal In Kotebe University College Assessment Of Practices And Challenges

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The study was conducted in Kotebe University College. The purpose of the study was to assess rnthe practice and challenges of employees’ performance appraisal. It was also aimed at rnidentifying the problem that encounter in the appraisal of employees’ performance. The study rnwas conducted by making use of both qualitative and quantitative research approach; the total rnsample size of the study was 127. Sample respondents were selected by employing stratified rnrandom sampling technique. Both, primary and secondary sources of data were used in the rnstudy. Primary data was collected from the staff of KUC selected using a stratified randomrnsampling technique through questionnaires and interviews. Besides, relevant documents and rnpublished materials were used as secondary sources of data. The data were analyzed both, rnqualitatively and quantitatively depending upon the nature of data collected. The Data collected rnfrom the questionnaire were analyzed through the help of IBM’s Software Package for Social rnScience (IBMSPSS Statistic version 20). The study concludes that the KUC’s performance rnappraisal system had not thoroughly met its intended objectives, absence of clearly established rnways of presenting compliant on performance appraisal results. Also, poor documentation of rnemployees’ appraisal results throughout the appraisal period was among the major challenges. rnIn addition, had no performance appraisal policy by which the appraisal process is governed rnand to be strictly followed an individual’s appraisal. The study recommended that KUC need to rnset the objectives of performance appraisal in such a way that it could be attainable by rnemployees, should make the development of evaluation criteria participatory. And, it needs to rndesign appropriate grievance mechanism for employees’ complaints. Besides, effective record rnkeeping and documentation system of employees’ appraisal results need to be established. rnMoreover, KUC has to formulate its own performance appraisal policy which is strictly to be rnfollowed and similarly applied on each employee’s appraisal.

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Employees Performance Appraisal In Kotebe University College Assessment Of Practices And Challenges