Community Participation In Primary Schools A Comparative Study Of Gtz And Beso Assisted And Non- Assisted Schools In Snnpr

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The purpose of this study was to compare the community participation inrnprimary schools, which were assisted, by GTZ and BESO projects and those,rnwhich were non- assisted ones in the S.N.N.P.RrnThe subjects of the study were 72 community members, 72 teachers andrnprincipals, 6 projects officers, 12 Werda and 6 zone education officers in 6rnzones of the region Questionnaires, interviews and observation were used torngather data. Percentages, means, ranges were used to analyze the data.rnResults of the analysis show that community participation varies in schools,rnwhich were assisted by the projects, and in those, which were not assisted. Inrnschools, which were assisted by the projects, the community involves in suchrnactivit ies as rehabilitation of school buildings, maintenance of school fence,rnlatrine, and furniture cultivating schoolyard. In the non project assistedrnschools, community participation was not seen except in some schools inrnwhich they pay salary of locally hired guards and in some schools serving asrnguards. The fmdings also show that in schools, which were assisted by thernprojects, due to lack of fo llow up from the zone and Wereda, the communityrnparticipation was not as effective as it should be. The community involvementrnin schools was also obstructed due to confusion with the policy statements andrnpoor school management. In most schools the teachers, principals, therncommunity members and the officials in We red a and zonal level consider thatrncommunity contribution is against the policy. In some schools the principalsrnembezzled the materials and money collected.rnTherefore, to solve the problems in schools, the authorities in zones and weredarnhave to fo llow up and provide technical and administrative supports to thernproject assisted schools. In addition, the policy statements concerningrncommunity involvement have to be clear and measures should be taken against the principals who embezzle the school properties The authorities of Weredarnand zone education and council should not leave the whole responsibilities tornthe people in the schools and projects; but they should work and monitor thernperformances together

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Community Participation In Primary Schools A Comparative Study Of Gtz And Beso Assisted And Non- Assisted Schools In Snnpr