The main purpose of this study was to look in to problems of education policy making andrnimplementation in Ethiopia since 1974. To conduct this study the descriptive survey methodrnwas employed Samples for this purpose were taken from 6 zones, 8 woredas and J 5 schoolsrnfrom Addis Ababa, Afar, Amhara, Tigray and Somali. 711e research involved 5 categories ofrnsample population: Department Heads and Above, Principals, Curriculum Developers,rnTeachers and Parents & the Community. Questionnaire survey, interview, document analysisrnwere the lI1ain instruments used to col/ect the data. Statistical tools like the percentage, meanrnand t-test were IIsed to analyze relationships and identifY whether there are differences andrnagreements oft/Ie respondents regarding the various variables on the role of actors in makingrnand implell1enring educational policies.rnThe results obtained show that education policy making in Ethiopia is still in a crisis wherernthose in the making and those in the implementation are not yet on the same line. The findingsrnrevealed that alfention to various issues like stake holder participation, listening to publicrnvoice etc. are ignored and that gelling education policy right is still in a difficulty. Moreover,rnthe research showed that there are areas and issue where common consent and ,understandingrncould be of benefit if political will prevails to overhaul education policy making andrnimplementation.rnIn the study it has been found out that the life span of policies here is equal to the life span ofrna regime in power and when regimes go new policies follow. The results obtained in thernstudy indicate that there is no such a thing called continuity and evenly thing starts alwaysrnfrom zero. For a country like that of ours, 'with human, material, and financial scarcity,rnstarting things from zero seems unbearable, unpardonable and a crime. At the end based onrnthe findings conclusion and recommendations were made to address the problem underrnstudy.