Practices And Chalenges Of School Inspection In Some Selected Government Primary Schools Of Nifas Silk Lafto Sub-city Of Addis Ababa

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The purpose of this study was to examine practices and challenges of school inspection in rnselected government primary school in Nifas Silk Lafto Sub-city Addis Ababa. Seven primary rnschools from four Weredas were selected via random sampling technique for this study. Four rnobjectives and four research questions were formulated to guide the study. To attain the stated rnobjective of the study, descriptive survey design was used. Both quantitative and qualitativernmethods were employed in this research. This method helped to obtain firsthand information rnfrom multiple sources. The population of the study was 217 and a sample of 147 respondents was rnused. Questionnaires and interview were used to collect primary data. The questionnaire was rnformulated on a modified five (5) point Likert scale. The collected data were analyzed by using rnIBM SPSS statistics and presented in tables in terms of mean value, standard deviation and rninterpreted by words. The result indicated that lack of technical skills for the proper rnimplementation of classroom observations, inadequate skill and knowledge of school inspectors, rnlow awareness of teachers towards inspection, low expectation of teachers towards school rninspectors. Due to these different problems, it implies that the practice of school inspection was rnnot implemented properly in Nifas Silk Lafto sub city of primary schools. Due to these, it is rnrecommended that Addis Ababa Education Regulatory Agency should arrange and implement rnconsistent and practical in-service and refresher trainings to build professional capacities of the rninspectors. School inspector is responsible for providing adequate support to the trainee for the rndevelopment of their leaning requirement and ensuring that appropriate training opportunities rnare made available to acquire the necessary competencies. Nifas Silk Lafto sub city Education rnoffice by cooperation of Wereda education office should be provide relevant and sufficient rntraining program.

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Practices And Chalenges Of School Inspection In Some Selected Government Primary Schools Of Nifas Silk Lafto Sub-city Of Addis Ababa