Assessment Of Teacher Work Motivation Of Gambella Region The Case Of Secondary And Preparatory School In Gambella Town

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The main objective of this study was to assess teachers’ work motivation in Gambella Region rnwith particular reference to Secondary and Preparatory Schools Gambella Town. Motivation is rnthe willingness of an employee to contribute high levels of effort towards his or her work, rnconditioned by the capacity of the effort to satisfy needs as well as his or her personal rnenvironment. The study roadmaps are to identity the teachers’ current motivation, assessingrnaffecting factors and examine the relationship among educational level, salary, age, and years’ rnexperience. The study used survey design with a sample size of 345 respondents. The major rnsources of data were secondary school principals and teachers in the sampled schools. Primary rndata tools were survey questionnaire, focus group discussion, and key informant interviews. rnTheoretical Conceptualization related to Teachers Motivation Conceptions on satisfaction and rndissatisfaction on Teachers work Motivation. The research found that workload, salary, low rnrecognition, teachers’ accountabilities, career developments, institutional environments, rnteachers’ voices, materials and facilities. Moreover, educational office should work on school rnadministration problems by allowing teachers to be participant in decision making regarding rnteaching and learning process, evaluating teachers performance on the basis of administrativernactivities ideologies, treating teachers equally as per school rules and regulation considering the rntask in the class room that need organization. Finally it is recommended that educational office rnshould work to improve conditions that cause staff work dissatisfaction and weak performance rnby facilitating teacher’s promotion by improving salary and other benefits.

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Assessment Of Teacher Work Motivation Of Gambella Region The Case Of Secondary And Preparatory School In Gambella Town