Instructional Leadership Practices And Challenges On Curriculum Implementation At Secondary Schools Of Gulele Sub-city In Addis Ababa

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The main objective of the study was to assess instructional leadership: practice and challenges rnof curriculum implementation in case of secondary schools in Gulele Sub-City in Addis Ababa.rnIn order to conduct the study to achieve this objective, twenty (20) principals from five secondary rnschools, five teachers from each eight subjects (English, Mathematics, History, Physics, rnChemistry, Biology, Geography, Civics) that appear on national examination in the five schools, rntogether 200 six years and above experienced teachers from the five schools, and departmentrnheads of the subjects from each schools (40) under the study were systematically taken as rnrespondents of this study, therefore, there are 260 total respondents of the study. To get sufficient rnand reliable data for the study the researcher used questionnaire, interview and content analysisrnas major tools of data gathering. The data obtained through these tools were analyzed both rnquantitatively and qualitatively as the researcher used descriptive research design. Therefore, rnquantitative and qualitative research methods were used for this study. The results of the data rnindicate that instructional leadership: practices and challenges on curriculum implementation at rnsecondary schools in Gulele sub-city in Addis Ababa in the five secondary schools becomes rnapparent from the finding that there are major curriculum challenges facing principals in rnmanaging the curriculum implementation in the school. These include lack of materials and rnresources, inadequate training and heavy workloads and fewer commitments of teachers. rnHowever, measures were suggested to limit the challenges toward curriculum implementation inrnorder for principals and teachers to manage and implement the curriculum effectively. The study rnconclude by pointing out that although principals and teachers try to perform their roles and rnresponsibilities to ensure effective curriculum implementation in their context, they still require rntraining and support from stakeholders.

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Instructional Leadership Practices And Challenges On Curriculum Implementation At Secondary Schools Of Gulele Sub-city In Addis Ababa