Analyses Of Organizational Capacity In Implementing School Improvement Program In Government Secondary Schools Of South West Shoa Zone

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The purpose of this study was to analyze the Organizational Capacity in implementing SIP in rnGovernment Secondary Schools of South West Shoa Zone and identified organizational structure, rnleadership and management, human resource, financial resources, internal and external rninfrastructure and work practice on the SIP program. The study employed a descriptive survey rndesign with both quantitative and qualitative method. The study was conducted in 10 secondary rnschools of the five sample waredas. Then from each school and respective woreda teachers were rnselected by using simple random sampling technique whereas school principals, vice principals, rnsecondary school supervisors, and WEO experts were selected on the purposive basis of decisive rnposition they assume pertaining to the issue. For this study, Questionnaire was used as the main rninstrument of data collection from teachers’. Accordingly, 270 copies were distributed out of rnwhich 260 from teachers were properly filled and returned. The data obtained from questionnaires rnwere analyzed using statistical tools such as percentages, weighted mean score and standard rndeviation. On the other hand, the data obtained through Interview and Document review were rnanalyzed qualitatively to substantiate the result of quantitative analysis. The findings of the study rnrevealed that the overall condition of the school was challenging and needs strong improvement. rnOrganizational structure, leadership and management capacity, resource capacity, constraints of rninternal and external infrastructure and its utilization, lack of conducive work condition were rnidentified as factors responsible for the ineffectiveness of implementation of SIP. It is therefore, to rnmake SIP implementation meaningful it is recommended that efforts has to be made to fulfill the rninternal and external organizational capacity with the availability of resources and proper rnutilization, strong political leadership and commitment, clear organizational structure, creating rnenabling work environments were most prominent factor. The study has also recommended rnintegrated efforts of all stakeholders mainly, the school community, parents, school principals in rncollaboration with Woreda Education Office, Zonal Education Office, Oromia Education Bureau rnand the Federal Ministry of Education to implement the desired objectives of the school rnimprovement program.

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Analyses Of Organizational Capacity In Implementing School Improvement Program In Government Secondary Schools Of South West Shoa Zone