Leadership Roles In Managing Education In Crisis At Addis Ababa University During Covid-19 Pandemic

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The purpose of this study was aimed to assess the leadership role in managing education in rncrisis at AAU during covid-19 pandemic. A mixed research method of study was employed to rnreveal the leadership role in managing education in crisis at AAU during covid-19 pandemic. rnThe sample population involved AAU academic staff members and students who were selected rnusing stratified simple random and purposive sampling techniques. In this study, both primary rnand secondary sources of data were used. The primary sources were the AAU academic staff rnmembers and students. Secondary sources such as books, journals, and reports prepared by AAUrnwere considered. As far as, data collection instruments (questionnaire, document analysis, and rninterview) were adapted. The questionnaire was pilot-tested and modified. The questionnaire rnwas distributed and completed by 384 staff members and students of AAU making a sample size rnof 384. Out of these,327 (85%) are filed in and collected back. The data gathered were analyzed rnusing such statistical tools as percentage, mean, frequency, cross tabulation, standard deviationrnand t-test. The result of the study showed that the role of leaders in managing education during rncovid-19 was good but still needs further action to bring quality education. The result of the rnstudy also portrayed that the university sets strategies to manage education, but as results of rnteacher’s negative perception on e-learning and students’ technological capability,rninfrastructure problems AAU strategy was not executed properly and the execution was not rnsatisfactory. Therefore, it may be concluded that leaders failed in managing education, causing rndeterioration of quality of education. Hence, it was recommended that leader in a crisis better be rncollaborative and also look to be sensibly hierarchical. There are times when university leaders rnneed to wait and take advice from government, system-level leaders and first responders. Within rnthe university, a well-formed crisis management team brings a cross section of perspectives to a rnproblem, and reduces the risk of missing certain voices. As the result of negative perception of rnteachers on e-learning and capability problems, it is also suggested that the AAU leaders in rncollaboration with other stake holders required providing adequate training to its academic rnstaffs and students on using of technology to facilitate teaching learning process.

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Leadership Roles In Managing Education In Crisis At Addis Ababa University During Covid-19 Pandemic