The Effect Of School Feeding And School Input Supply (sfsis) Intervention On Enrollment Absenteeism And Test Score In Lideta Sub-city Addis Ababa

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This research aimed to assess the effect of the School Feeding and School Input Supplyrn(SFSIS) Program on enrollment, attendance and test score of primary public-school children rnin Lideta sub-city. Quantitative and qualitative research approaches were employed to rninvestigate the research questions. One hundred thirty-four school children in grades 2 to 8 rnparticipated in the research. School rosters and attendance register documents were sources of rnquantitative data. Qualitative data was collected using Focus Group Discussion (FGD), Key rnInformant Interview (KII), and direct school observations. The study applied trend analysis to rninvestigate the changes in enrollment before and after implementing SFSIS Program. rnStatistical tests, one-group pretest-posttest design was used to measure the differences in rnattendance rates and mean test scores before and after the program's implementation. The rnstudy's main finding is that the positive effect of the SFSIS Program on learning achievement rnand attendance rate was not significant. The trend analysis on enrollment showed a general rndecline that continued during the study period due to other confounding factors. The program's rneffect on academic test score was heterogeneous when schools disaggregated the samples rnunder the study. In the end, the study recommends that schools and educational administration rnbodies make a proactive effort to increase enrollment by bringing out of school children into rnschools by advocating the benefits of the SFSIS program. Moreover, SFSIS implementers, rnwith the help of educational planners, should set up a more effective monitoring and evaluation rnmechanism to provide all the SFSIS program components

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The Effect Of School Feeding And School Input Supply (sfsis) Intervention On  Enrollment Absenteeism And Test Score In Lideta Sub-city Addis Ababa