School Community Contribution Insupervision The Case Of Bonaya Boshe Woreda Primary Schools

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The purpose of this study was to assess the practices and challenges of school community rncontribution in supervision of primary schools in Boneya Boshe Woreda. The study employed rndescriptive survey method and quantitative and qualitative data was used. The study was rnconducted in randomly selected 5 primary schools of Bonaya Boshe Woreda. The total rnpopulation of this study consisted of 300 teachers, 27 principals, 12 vice principals, 5 rnSupervisors, 135 PTA members and 12,597 students. Among respondents’ supervisors, principals, rnvice principal and PTAs were selected by purposive sampling technique, and teachers and students rnwere selected by simple random sampling technique. The interview and document analysis were also rnconducted to cross check the information obtained through questionnairie. The quantitative data rnwere edited, organized, tallied, and tabulated and then analyzed by using frequency andrnpercentages descriptive statements. The qualitative data were analyzed, as the researcher rnunderstood them. rnThe findings indicated that poor training, poor knowledge of school supervision, lack of support rnand motivation and lack of follow-up school supervision activities from concerened bodies and rnlack of commitment and initiative on part of school community have affected supervision. Due to rnmajor limitations mentioned above school community partition in supervision has a very little rncontribution in the study area.rnThe study concluded school community participation is very crucial because it creates rnawareness among stakeholders on how funds are being used and get to decide on their rnwellbeing, also when communities participate transparency and accountability of the leaders rnincreases hence having projects of quality standards.rnFinally, to minimize and if possible to solve the problems, the following recommendations were rndrawn; Consistent and well-organized trainings should be arranged for School community,rnBonaya Boshe Woreda Administration should provide valuable support in various ways such as rnby allocating budget and creating favorable conditions for supervision, school principals shoud rnprovide time for school community to meet and share ideas with one another and encourages rnthem to make connections across disciplines, Stakeholders ought to carry out continuously rnevaluation of supervision practices. There should be qualified and well-trained leadership at rneach school level who able to give support (directive) to the overall activities of supervision to rnprimary schools in the study area

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School Community Contribution Insupervision The Case Of Bonaya Boshe Woreda Primary Schools