Factors Affecting The Participation Of Women In Leadership In Secondary Schools Of East Wollega Zone

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This study aims at analyzing specific factors affecting women participation in educational rnleadership in selected public secondary schools in East Wollega Zone. To conduct this study, a rndescriptive survey design was employed. The participants of this study were 130 selected byrnusing purposive sampling techniques. Out of these 95 participants are teachers. Twenty womenrnincluded from teaching staffs to get more insight from females, four principals, four vice principals, three officers from woreda education office, and four school supervisor. Data were rncollected by using questionnaire, interview and document analysis. Both quantitative andrnqualitative data analysis were employed in order to reach at the result. Later on data were rncleaned, coded, fed in and analyzed by using SPSS version 20 as a tool that helps for descriptive rnanalysis of the data. The findings of the study revealed that school leadership seems as if it is rnmainly kept for men alone. Among the various reasons for low female participation in school rnleadership social factors, sex role stereotyping has deterring effect as these issues label females rnas weak and dependent, not as leaders in a family or community. Female teachers’ involvement rnin school leadership is at its very low. This is mainly influenced by social factors that give lower rnposition for females due to sex role stereotyping. Moreover, there is a tradition that dictates rnwomen role as caregivers at home, giving them more burden at home providing them with less rntime to invest in school leadership. Women also face severe discrimination from institutional side rndue to organizational culture and structural problems than what men face. Women has shown rnless personal aspiration in seeking for leadership position.

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Factors Affecting The Participation Of Women In Leadership In Secondary Schools Of East Wollega Zone