Prospects And Challenges Of School Leadership In Mainstreaming Inclusive Education In Selected Schools Of Addis Ababa

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The purpose of this study was to assess the prospects and challenges of school leadership in rnmainstreaming inclusive education in three selected primary schools of Addis Ababa. Tornundertake this study, both quantitative and qualitative methods were used. Descriptive survey rnwas employed for the study and a total of 54 teachers, 93 students 6 principals and vice rnprincipals were selected using random and purposive sampling. Questionnaires containing close rnended questions were designed and distributed to students and teachers again interview was also rnconducted with, school principals and vice principals. The stakeholders were asked various rnquestions on the different aspects of the prospects and challenges of school leadership in rnmainstreaming inclusive education and the data was analyzed using SPSS 22. The findings rnrevealed that lack of knowledge and experience of teachers, principals and vice principals about rnan inclusive education, shortage of supportive teaching materials, insufficient supervision form rnthe government bodies are some of the shortcomings and Regarding the measure achievement on rnimplementing inclusive education, students with different impairment do not recognize their rndisabilities because all students are attending together. Again their social interaction maximizes rnwith no stigma and discrimination. Based on the analysis of the data, the following conclusions rnwere made: Teachers and principals are the main responsible for placement of students with rnspecial needs. Principal’s knowledge and understanding on inclusive education has the central rnrole for accessibility and comfortability of an inclusive learning setting for all students. There is rnno structure for inclusive education from MOE to werda education offices. In order to make the rnnature of inclusive schools favorable for the students, it needs to be revisited. And teachers rnshould take continues professional training about inclusive education to promote quality rneducation. The following major recommendations were made to the results of the study. The rngovernment must have to prepare education law in order to maximize inclusive education, rnEducation bureau should provide continuous short and long term training that can assure the rnquality and accessibility of inclusive education.

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Prospects And Challenges Of School Leadership In Mainstreaming Inclusive Education In  Selected Schools Of Addis Ababa