Reducing The Negative Impact Of Youth Reaction Towards Hiv Aids Crisis In Schools In Nnewi North Local Government Using Realistic Thinking

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There has been a steady rise in the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria. The stratum of the population most infected is those in secondary and tertiary school. In Nigeria, the government has shown political will and has set up a number of committees and activities to help curtail this epidemic. Some of the activities are aimed specifically for the educational sector but more effort is needed to combat this pandemic and the fear it has caused for young people. This study suggest the use of realistic thinking in approaching youths towards the issue of HIV/AIDS crisis in Nnewi L.G.A.










1.0      INTRODUCTION      -       -       -       -       -       -       1

1.1      Background and need for the point of inquiry         -       1

1.2      Statement of problem      -       -       -       -       -       2

1.3      Significance of the study -       -       -       -       -       4

1.4      Scope of study         -       -       -       -       -       -       -       5

1.5      Research Questions         -       -       -       -       -       -       5


2.0      Review of literature -       -       -       -       -       -       6

2.1      Definition of thinking      -       -       -       -       -       24

2.2      Thinking in the teaching field -       -       -       -       30



3.0      Methodology    -       -       -       -       -       -       -       43

3.1      The design of the study    -       -       -       -       -       43

3.2      Area of the study      -       -       -       -       -       -       43

3.3      Sample and sampling techniques    -       -       -       45

3.4      Instrument for data collection -       -       -       -       46

3.5      Validation of the instrument    -       -       -       -       46

3.6      Reliability of the instrument    -       -       -       -       47

3.7      Method of data collection         -       -       -       -       -       47

3.8      Method of data analysis   -       -       -       -       -       47



4.0   Presentation of results     -       -       -       -       -       49

4.1      Introduction    -       -       -       -       -       -       -       49

4.2      Research question 1        -       -       -       -       -       -       49

4.3      Research question 2        -       -       -       -       -       -       50

3.9      Research question 3        -       -       -       -       -       -       51

3.10  Research question 4        -       -       -       -       -       -       52


5.0      Summary, conclusion and recommendation   -       53

5.1      Conclusion      -       -       -       -       -       -       -       53

5.2      Implications of findings   -       -       -       -       -       56

5.3      Recommendation     -       -       -       -       -       -       58

5.4      Limitation of the study     -       -       -       -       -       59

5.5      Suggestion for further studies -       -       -       -       59

References       -       -       -       -       -       -       -       61




The World Health Organisation (WHO) has stipulated that teachers "should be willing and interested in teaching about STIs, HIV and AIDS; have sufficient and appropriate knowledge about STIs, HIV and AIDS; be accepted by the school staff, the community, and the students; be able to maintain confidentiality and objectivity; be familiar with and at ease when using sexual terminology and discussing sexual issues, be respectful of students' and family values; be an effective communicator and facilitator of classroom learning, and be accessible to students and parents for discussion".

Therefore, if all of these expectations from teachers are to be met, teachers need multiple supports in the areas of

Ø    Training

Ø    Access to information and teaching materials

Ø    Parental, community and religious leaders support

Ø    Support of school administrators and other governmental officials

Teachers must remember that adolescents learn best:

Ø    When their views are listened to and respected

Ø    When learning incorporate their previous experiences, knowledge and skills, as well as support their
existing values

Ø    When they are actively involved

The teachers may utilize the following tips as necessary to help make learning achievable in the classroom:

1.2      Statement of the problem

Since the discovery of HIV/AIDS in the early eighties, it has becomes obvious that it has moved from being an epidemic to a pandemic and from a health problem to a development problem. The diagnosis of AIDS had been used to monitor trends, but with the availability of palliative treatment, such diagnoses may no longer accurately represent trends in new infections. Data have also been generated from surveillance, which is an on-going, systematic collection, analysis, interpretation and dissemination of data. Since its first documented appearance about two decades ago, about 60 million persons have been infected with HIV worldwide. As at 2001, it was estimated that 42 million people were living with HIV. Out of this number, one-third is found with people between the ages of 15 and 24 years, which is basically the age for being in tertiary institutions.

Since the outbreak of AIDS in 1981, over 25 million people have died of AIDS, Africa has 11.6 million AIDS orphans. At the end of 2007, women accounted for 50% of all adults living with HIV worldwide, while they also account for 59% in sub-Saharan Africa. Young people account for half of all new HIV infections worldwide. Young persons in this context mean persons less than 25 years of age.



1.3      Significant of the study

The study would be of a strong benefit to the students. The introduction of realistic thinking in the secondary section is the path to their self realization. This would entail that the products of this great reformation would be free from the schedule patterns of learning that colonizes and dehumanizes. The outcome of this work would serve as boost to the freedom of the learners who would be made to reason through realistic thinking in place of memorizing through rote-learning and cramming of the pre-determined learning outcome.


Finally, this study would be a boost to the development of moral functional and personnel development in Nigeria. The outcome could be a pointer to the reasons behind the kind of life that our school leavers are living. Realistic Thinking creates room for reflection and this is the path to deeper understanding of phenomena. The improvement of the secondary section is the improvement of the over all facts of the society.

1.4      Scope of the study

This study would x-ray the meaning of thinking, and how applicable is realistic thinking in addressing the issues of  negative youth reaction towards HIVAIDS in secondary schools in Nnewi North L.G.A.


1.     In what ways can HIVAIDS be transmitted in secondary schools?

2.     What are the symptoms of HIVAIDS in adolescents?

3.  What measures is the government taken to prevent the widespread of the epidemics in secondary schools?

4.     What are the possible solutions to negative youth reactions towards HIV/AIDS among students in secondary schools?


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Reducing The Negative Impact Of Youth Reaction Towards Hiv Aids Crisis In Schools In Nnewi North Local Government Using Realistic Thinking