The Influence Of Teachers Professional Training On Students Academic Achievement

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This research study which focused on finding the influence of teachers’ professional training on students’ academic performance was limited in one secondary school. Queens Model Int’l Enugu as the area of the study where the entire senior secondary school III were the target population from which a sample of 60 participants (students) were randomly selected, splint into two group (experimental and control group), thereafter, each group was treated with teaching in two subjects (English Language and Mathematics). These two subjects were taught to each group evenly but the experimental group was taught by professionally trained teachers, the control group was under unprofessionally trained teachers (quacks). A standardized (NECO) achievement test was administered to the two groups at the same time after four weeks lession period (treatment). The scores from these two groups were compared and finally subjected to a test of significant (independent-test). The result of the comparison indicated a wide difference in the groups academic performance gave for the researchers to reject their original null hypothesis and accept the alternative which stated that “there will be a significant difference of the independent variable (professional and unprofessional) on the dependent variable (academic performance of the study was determined by a t-result which disproved the second null hypothesis and granted acceptability to its alternative which advocated that the academic performance of learners will be influenced by their teacher’s level of professional training significantly”. To this, the researchers were able to establish that level of teacher’s professional training goes a long way in determining the learning quality of the learners.



Title                                                                                 i

Approval page                                                                 ii

Dedication                                                                       iii

Acknowledgement                                                           iv

Proposal                                                                          v

Abstract                                                                          vi

Table of contents                                                            vii


Introduction                                                                    1

1.1      Introduction/background                                      1

1.2      Statement of problems                                           2

1.3      Purpose of the study                                               3

1.4      Significance of the study                                        4

1.5      Research questions                                                5

1.6      Scope /Delimitation of the study                           5


2.1      Literature review                                                    7

2.2      Deep/general theory of professionalism                9

2.3      Expert knowledge theory                                        9


Methodology                                                                    15

3.1      Research design                                                      15

3.2      Research area                                                         15

3.3      Research population                                               16

3.4      Research sample                                                     16

3.5      Sampling techniques                                              16

3.6      Instrument for data collection                               17

3.7      Date collection                                                        18

3.8      Decision rule                                                           19


4.1      Data presentation, analysis and results                20

Presentation and analysis                                              20

4.2      Result analysis                                                       31



Discussions, conclusion and recommendation              33

5.1      Discussion of the result                                          33

5.2      Conclusion                                                              34

5.3      Recommendations                                                  35

5.4      Suggestion for further studies                               38

5.5      Limitation                                                               38

References                                                              39






Since the end of colonial rule in Nigeria, there had been significant shortfall in the standard of education when academic performance of her students is measured. There was recruitment of young school leavers to teach the explosive number of students enrolled in schools. Due to this, our school system was characterized by poor academic performance, insufficient scientific and technological know how, lack of initiative, poor business attitude poor professional skills and competences and so an. This has brought social and political crimes and retarded national development.

However thanks to teachers registration council of Nigeria (TRCN) a body established by act no 31 of 193 which among other things registers teacher’s growth, ensuing ethical standard by enforcing rules and regulations guiding teaching and learning as a profession. This council also prescribes the standard of entry into the profession.

Though the above educational problems can be contributed to so many other factors, the purpose of this study is to seek the impact of (TRCN) activities  on academic performance of the students taught by professional and that of students taught  of professionals and that of students taught by unprofessional teachers by comparing their scores in a given test. This is to determine the influence of professionalism in teachers products (Leaners).



Insistant complaint of poor academic performance among secondary school students by the pubic.

This poor performance leads to uncontroable examination malpractice in our school system which account for certification of mediocres who prefer paper certificate to knowledge and skills required for the survival of individual and the entire society.

This condition when left unchecked in any society threatens to obliterate among other things, social order, the desired man power, natural development and replace them with social crimes and under development.



The primary objectives of the study are to find out whether the scores of performance test in English language and mathematics subjects taught by professionally trained teachers by non- professionals in the some test.

To test significance differences if any



Establish a generalized conclusion based on systematically refined evidence.  

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The Influence Of Teachers Professional Training On Students Academic Achievement