Impact Of Entrepreneurial Education On Disabled Students In Enugu Metropolis

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This study was carried out to critically examine the Impact of Entrepreneurial Education on Disabled Students in Enugu Metropolis. The study adopted a descriptive survey design in which four research questions were posed. The population of the study consisted of 9,583 disabled persons in Enugu North and Enugu East local governments of Enugu State. Simple random sampling procedure was used in selecting three (3) special education centres to represent other six (6) special education centres in Enugu Metropolis that was sampled in the study. Fourteen (14) teachers and one hundred and twenty (120) students were equally selected randomly from each of the three-special education centres making a total number of 402 respondents. A questionnaire of four-point rating scale was used as instrument for data collection. Mean statistics was used to analyze data relative to research questions with a cut-off mean score of 2.5 and percentages were used, 50% and above indicates acceptance and below represents rejected. That formed the standard for accepting or rejecting any item on the questionnaires. The result of the analyses reveals that they (disabled) face challenges when starting a business/ venture and this hinders them from becoming effective in the labour market. Challenges such as access to start-up capital, consumer discrimination which is the highest of them all, lack of confidence/ limited aspirations, training is not always tailored to individual needs and therefore of limited value to particular recipients. However already existing policy tools are not effective and efficient as the case maybe. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that the stakeholders, government and other related/concerned bodies should encourage the special needs students by providing the necessary assistive technologies. Parent/guardians of special needs students should encourage these ones and make them feel wanted in the society instead of segregating them.


TITLE PAGE................................................................................................................................. i






TABLE OF CONTENT.................................................................................................................vii

CHAPTER ONE:INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................1

1.1. Background of the Study....................................................................................1

1.2. Statement of Problem.........................................................................................4

1.3. Purpose of the Study...........................................................................................5

1.4. Scopeof the Study ............................................................................................6

1.5. Significance of the Study……………………………………………………6

1.6. Research Questions…………………………………………………………..8


2.1. The Concept of Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship Education………10

2.2. Concept of Disability……………………………………………………….12

2.3. Self- Employment activities of people with Disabilities…………………….14

2.4. Benefits of Entrepreneurship Education to the Disabled………………….17

2.4.1 Opportunity for work based experience…………………………………19

2.4.2 Opportunity to exercise leadership and develop interpersonal skills…….19

2.4.3 Opportunity to develop planning and financial literacy skills…………..20

2.5. Barriers to Entrepreneurship among Disabled People……………………..21

2.5.1 Access to start-up capital…………………………………………………22

2.5.2 Lack of relevant business knowledge and skills…………………………22

2.5.3 Consumer discrimination…………………………………………………22

2.5.4 Lack of confidence/limited aspirations……………………………………23

2.5.5 Absence of appropriate and sensitive business support…………………23

2.6. The Role of Entrepreneurial Policy Support on the Disabled…………….26

2.6.1 To increase awareness about the feasibility of entrepreneurship………..26

2.6.2 To develop entrepreneurship skills………………………………………27

2.6.3 To support the development, acquisition and the use of technologies….28

2.6.4 To ensure access to appropriate financial support………………………28

2.6.5 To continue to improve internet and IT accessibility……………………29

2.7. Theoretical Framework……………………………………………………30

2.7.1 Achievement Motivation Theory…………………………………………30

2.7.2 Innovation Theory………………………………………………………...31

2.7.3 Critique against Traits Theory Approach………………………………..33

2.7.4 Summary of Literature Review…………………………………………...33


3.1 Design of Study……………………………………………………………..35

3.2 Area of the Study……………………………………………………………35

3.3 Population of the Study…………………………………………………….36

3.4 Sample and Sampling Techniques………………………………………….36

3.5 Instrument for Data Collection……………………………………………..37

3.6 Validation of the Instrument………………………………………………..37

3.7 Method of Data Collection………………………………………………….37

3.8 Method of Data Analysis…………………………………………………..38


4.1. Data Analysis……………………………………………………………….39


5.1. Discussion of findings……………………………………………………....45

5.2. Conclusion………………………………………………………………….49

5.3. Educational Implication of the study………………………………………50

5.4. Recommendations…………………………………………………………..51

5.5. Limitations of the study……………………………………………………53

5.6. Suggestions for further study………………………………………………53

5.7. Summary of Findings………………………………………………….....54

5.8. References…………………………………………………………………56

5.9. Appendix………………………………………………………………….63

5.10. Questionnaire……………………………………………………………64




1.1     Background of Study

Worldwide, the prevalence of disability is argued to be growing, with population ageing and increasing incidence of chronic health conditions (World Health Organisation/World Bank 2011). Disability affects a wide range of socio-economic outcomes, including labour market participation, but also other factors that shape participation including education, information and transport.

The WHO (2013) (World Health Organisation) describes disability as an umbrella term, covering impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions. The impairment being a problem in body function or structure; an activity limitation being a difficulty encountered by an individual in executing task or action; while a participation restriction is termed a problem experienced by an individual’s involvement in life situations. Disability is thus not just a health problem, but a complex phenomenon, reflecting the interaction between features of a person’s body and features of the society in which he/she lives. Impairment can occur from/ at birth or any time over the course of an individual’s life, either permanently or temporarily.

As pertains to its causes, explanations abound from the mystical to the empirically researched complex happenings that only genetics can provide as is the case in Systemic Lupus Erythematosis. Mugo (2010) states that traditional and spiritual beliefs play an important role in framing up comprehensions of disability in Africa. Many communities attribute disability to witchcraft, curses or conditions afflicted by bad omen and spirits with the resulting effect being that of fear and pity towards the PWD (Persons living with Disability)leading to their isolation/discrimination.

In actual schooled sense, the causes of disability are as numerous as they are indiscriminate; encompassing everyday happen-stances like road accidents, diseases as trachoma, war injuries,and work place injuries amongst others. This being the case, it should come as a soberingrealization that we are all potential candidate or already might be albeit without symptom as isthe case with genetically acquired degenerative diseases. With this in mind, it should bear moreon our expertise, for us in academia to pay more attention to matters of disability.

The convention on the Rights of Persons Living with Disability, an initiative of the UnitedNations, as quoted in the WHO website, states that around 10% of the World’s population orroughly 650 million persons live with known disability. This undisputedly constitutes theworld’s largest and most widespread minority and with continued trends of rapid populationgrowth and advances in modern medicine, posits the WHO, these figures can only rise.

The first ever world report on disability (2000) co-authored by the World Bank group and WHOholds that PWD (Persons living with Disability) generally face higher rates of poverty and areafforded fewer economic opportunities compared to persons without disability. The figures arethat 20% of the world‘s poorest are disabled and living in the developing countries. This sadstate of affairs can find part explanation in the ostracization of PWD from mainstream social-economiclife by society.

Disabled people tend to be concentrated in lower-skilled, lower-paid occupations (Meager and Higgins 2011). Low participation rates are costly for the individuals concerned in terms of economic and psychological well-being, for governments in terms of lost output and tax revenues, and increased welfare payments, and for the society in terms of the impact of social exclusion and discrimination on civic participation and public life.

However, one possible solution to problems of low participation rates lies in the potential for disabled people to become self employed or to start and run their own businesses. The relevance of entrepreneurship education to humanity and economic growth cannot be overemphasized considering its developmental incentives in the well being of an individual and promotion of economic activities. Entrepreneurship education could take the form of technical education, business education, computer application, fine and applied arts among others.

Entrepreneurship is not just skill acquisition for acquisition sake; it is an acquisition of skills and ideas for the sake of creating employment for one’s self and also others (Garba 2010). Therefore the need for entrepreneurial education to be incorporated into special needs education curriculum for this category of persons becomes a salient issue. This is because entrepreneurship education will help unlock their potentials and pave way for their financial independence and sustainability in the face of the large scale unemployment in Nigeria.

1.2     Statement of Problem

Education in Nigeria is devoid of the element crucial to averting the surging rate of unemployment with persons with impairment/ disability in the country, therefore the breeding of psychological dependence on direct access to money.

However despite the efforts by tertiary institutions in teaching various skills and trades, coupled with learning aimed at imparting knowledge and understanding of the potential rewards for business establishment, unemployment abounds among the young: Hungra et al (2011). Brijlal (2011) asserts that only a small percentage of graduates became entrepreneurs after college.

In a bid to explain this phenomenon of poor transition rates into enterprise by graduates, numerous studies have been undertaken all over the world, with many focusing on entrepreneurial intention studies as a possible avenue for explanation of this lack of entrepreneurial behavior.  This focus has been so popular with researchers as intentions are said to be the best predictors of planned behavior.

As evidence in literature, the emphasis has been on studying entrepreneurial intent in Ì’ Ì’normal able-bodied persons. A clear-cut case of marginalization in academic research and knowledge against PWD in the society. This researchseek to address the impact of entrepreneurial education on disabled students.

1.3     Purpose of Study

Overall, the purpose of this study is to help address a broad research question for which entrepreneurship education assessment literature has so far provided only tentative insight; whether and to what extent entrepreneurship training programs and studies help to create additional or more successful entrepreneurs. This includes:

  1. To examine the level of self employment activities among people with disabilities.
  2.  To assess the challenges the disabled people face when starting a business/venture.
  3.  To determine the extent to which policy support/tools on disabled are available to help them become more entrepreneurial.
  4.  To ascertain the extent to which disabled students/persons benefits from entrepreneurial education.

1.4 Scope of Study

The study assessed the impact of entrepreneurial education on disabled students. The assessment was done by; the challenges faced by disabled students when starting a business, examining the level of self employment activities of people with disability, the extent to which policy tools on disabled are available and the benefits of entrepreneurial education to the disabled using Enugu metropolis as a case study.

1.5 Significance of the Study

In the introduction of Adam Smith’s world renowned book on economics, titled ‘The Wealth OfNations’, by Alan Krueger (2003) , it is stated that the propensity to truck, barter and exchangeone thing for another is common to all men, and is to be found in no other race of animals, fromcommunistic societies to prisoner-of-war camps. Constraints can be imposed on a market, oreven for the sake and purpose of this paper, disability can occur or be the case! But therise of the market seems virtually unavoidable.

PWD in society have been marginalized long enough more so in academic research on matters ofentrepreneurship. The subject of entrepreneurial intent has been researched on high and low, butempirically sound research on the same focusing on the disabled population is extremely hard to comeby in literature.

Significantly, the findings of this study will aid shape the direction taken by governmental policymakers on coming up with curriculums and strategies in special needs schools which betteraddress the entrepreneurial needs of PWD and better inform the economic empowermentprogrammers geared towards their emancipation by the state after college.

          The research findingswill also serve the parents or guardians of these students especially in guidance of career choice. Thus equipping them with foresight on how to prepare to be of best moral and material support to the soon to be granduands.

The findings will encourage teachers and students to develop skills and competencies in technologies for teaching and learning of entrepreneurship in schools. From the findings, it will further help teachers enhance their teaching skills and strategies. The teachers will use the results collected from the study to reform the content and method of teaching. The results of the study will also be of great importance to disabled students, it will improve their academic performances, job readiness, enhance their social psychological development(self-esteem, ego development,self-efficacy); and perceived improved health status etc.

Finally non state actors who are a crucial social economic development agents will benefit greatly from the findings of this study. Based on the same these actors can better formulate programmes and strategies on how to economically empower the students after college.

1.6 Research Questions

  1. What is the level of self-employment activities among people with disabilities?
  2. What barriers do people with disabilities face when starting a business/ venture?

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Impact Of Entrepreneurial Education On Disabled Students In Enugu Metropolis