Hospital Mortality And Associated Factors Of Road Traffic Accident Victims Admitted At The Two Trauma Centers In Addis Ababaethiopia2021.

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About 1.35 million peoples deceased every year as a consequence of road traffic accidents (RTA).rnHalf of all road traffic deaths occur among susceptible road users: walkers, bikers, and racers. 93%rnof the world's mortalities on the streets occur in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs),rnalthough these nations have a small number of the world's vehicles. rnObjective: To determine hospital mortality and associated factors of RTA victims admitted at thernAdds Ababa Burn and emergency trauma and Tikur Anebesa specialized hospital in Addis Ababa,rnEthiopia 2021. rnMethods: The study was conducted in Adds Ababa Burn and emergency trauma (AaBET), andrnTikur Anebesa specialized hospital (TASH) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from March 13, 2021 tornApril 23, 2021. Hospital-based retrospective cross-sectional chart review methods werernimplemented from Dec 31rnstrn 2018 to January 1rnst,rn 2021. 398 RTA victims were selected using simplernrandom sampling method. Structured checklists were used to collect the data. The collected datarnwas cleaned and entered into Epi-data ver.4.6 and exported to SSPS ver.26 for analysis. Binaryrnlogistic regression analyses were used to determine the association between variables. rnResult: the study found that hospital mortality of road traffic accident victims admitted at AaBETrnand TASH in AA, Ethiopia, were 31.6% during the last two years. Among RTA victims who hadrnsevere head injury was more than 30 times (AOR=30.79, 95%CL: 6.62, 143.25) likely to causernhospital mortality as compared to those who had a mild head injury. The hospital fatality of RTArnvictims who were admitted for ≥ 1 day more than 24 times (AOR= 24.88, 95%CI: 5.13, 114.37)rnlikely to die as compared to those who had a length of hospital stay > 3days.rnConclusion and recommendation: This research clearly illustrates that the hospital mortality ofrnRTA in the last 3 years was found to be high. The study revealed that head injury state severity,rnendotracheal intubation status, and length of hospital stay significantly determined hospitalrnmortality of road traffic accidents.

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Hospital Mortality And Associated Factors Of Road Traffic Accident Victims Admitted At The Two Trauma Centers In Addis Ababaethiopia2021.