Clinical Pattern And Management Outcomes Among Road Traffic Accident Victims Attending Emergency Department Of Jimma University Medical Center Jimmasouthwest Ethiopia
Background: Road Traffic Accident is an incident on a way or street open to public traffic thatrnbecomes one of the most significant public health problems in the world especially in developingrncountries. In Ethiopia, RTA is the major public health problem even though studies indicaternclinical pattern and management outcomes among these victims are limited. The aim of thisrnstudy is to assess clinical pattern and management outcomes among road traffic accident victimsrnwho attended emergency department of Jimma University Medical Center, Jimma Ethiopia,rn2021.rnMethods: Hospital based retrospective cross sectional study design was implemented based onrnpatients' record review for one year. Records of patients were revieweduntil the calculatedrnminimum sample size (357) attained. Systematic random sampling technique was applied tornrecruit the records. Pretested checklist was used to collect data. Descriptive statistics were usedrnto show the distribution of variables under the study.Independent factors associated withrnmanagement outcomes were assessed using binarylogistic regression using SPSS version 26 atrnp