Air Way And Breathing Management Knowledge And Practice Of Nurses Working In Emergency Department Of Selected Governmental Hospitals Under Health Bureau Of Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.

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Background: Management of airway and breathing is one of the most important initialrninterventions to save the lives of patients and is a cornerstone of excellent emergency care. Thernfirst few minutes after an emergency condition are vital to providing these lifesavingrninterventions. rnObjective: This study aimed to assess the knowledge, and practice of nurses regarding airwayrnand breathing management who were working in selected hospitals under Addis Ababa healthrnbureau, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from March to April 30, 2021. rnMethods: The study used an institutional-based cross-sectional descriptive study with arncomplete enumeration of all respondents by using the census method during the study periodrnfrom March to April 30, 2021. A self-administered and structured questionnaire was used forrncollecting data from the respondents. Data quality was controlled by pre-testing the tools andrnproviding training to the data collectors. The SPSS version 26 software was used for analyzingrnthe data. Mean, frequency, binary, and multiple logistic regression analyses were used. Only Pvaluernlessrnthanrn0.05 wasrnconsideredrnstatisticallyrnsignificant.rn rnrnResult: About 102 respondents were included in this study with a response rate of 98%. Amongrnthose, 54(52.9%) were females. Findings from this study showed that 71.57% and 64.71% of thernrespondents had good knowledge and practice respectively. Being trained in training related tornairway and breathing management before was statistically associated with knowledge andrnpractice on both binary and multiple logistic regression at p

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Air Way And Breathing Management Knowledge And Practice Of Nurses Working In Emergency Department Of Selected Governmental Hospitals Under Health Bureau Of Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.