Patient Satisfaction And Associated Factors Among Clients Visiting Adult Emergency Department Of Tikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

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Background: Patient satisfaction is an important indicator of the quality of care and servicerndelivery in the emergency department (ED). It is defined as the individual’s positive evaluationrnof distinct dimensions of health care and is an important element in the evaluation of servicernrendered by a hospital. Researchers also tried to assess what aspects of the client’s characteristicsrnwere related to their satisfaction. Patient satisfaction with emergence care service is consideredrnan important factor in explaining patients' perceptions of service criteria is far from ideal if as arnresult of that care the patient is unhappy or dissatisfied. There is a sound rationale for making thernorganization and delivery of health care responsive to client’s opinions currently, research isrninterested in satisfaction in several areas, and various cultures. This study aims to evaluaternpatient satisfaction with emergency care and to determine associated factors with patientrnsatisfaction. rnObjectives: To assess patient satisfaction and associated factors among clients who visited thernadult emergency department of Tikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa Ethiopia, fromrnMarch to June 2021.rnMethods: Hospital-based cross-sectional study design was employed to assess patientrnsatisfaction of emergency services on conveniently selected 191 clients through face-to-facerninterviews in the adult ED. Data was collected by a standard modified Press Ganey questionnairerndeveloped in English then translated to Amharic. The questionnaires contain sociodemographicrnand satisfaction items. Likert scale questionnaire was graded as strongly dissatisfied “1”,rndissatisfied “2”, satisfied “3”, and strongly satisfied “4”. Those scoring the mean or below werernconsidered as dissatisfied while a score above the mean was labeled as satisfied. Epi data 4.6.2rnwas used for data entry and cleanness and exported to SPSS version 25 was used to furtherrnanalyze the data and frequency distribution table, graphs, pie chart, and binary logistic regressionrnwas used for data presentation.rnResults: A total of 191clients who attend the TASH adult ED were included in this study. Thernresponse rate in this study was 100% from this more than half of them were male (55.5%)rnrespondents. The overall satisfaction of this study were 75.9% from this the highest satisfactionrnrates were observed in terms of doctors care, laboratory service, nurses care and painrnmanagement 89%, 89%, 88.5%, and 79.3% respectively, and the lowest satisfaction rates were observed in terms of latrine cleanness, ED examination room cleanness, find my way when theyrnmove here and there in the facility, pharmacy service and distinguish between nurses and doctorsrn8.9%, 27.2%, 33.5%, 39.8%, and 48.2% respectively. In Bivariate analysis, there were variablesrnsex, age, ethnicity, level of education, job, and monthly income which were fitted/candidate forrnmultivariate logistic regression analysis with P-value

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Patient Satisfaction And Associated Factors Among Clients Visiting Adult Emergency Department Of Tikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia.