Clinical Profile And Outcome Of Trauma Among Adult Patient Treated At Alert Hospital Trauma Center Emergency Department Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.

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Introduction: A traumatic injury can be caused by a wide range of blunt, penetrating, and otherrnmechanisms. As a result, after a patient has sustained this injury, he/she may require immediaterncare. So, all aspects of trauma care systems, such as a powerful prehospital care system, skilledrnhuman power, facilities, equipment, and continuous supplies, must be in place for a successfulrnoutcome. rnObjective: This study is aimed to assess the clinical profile and outcome of trauma among adultrnpatient treated at ALERT hospital trauma center emergency department Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,rnfrom January 1/2019 to December 1/2020. rnMethods: A retrospective chart review study was performed during the time period of Januaryrn2019 to December 2020 on trauma patients treated to the trauma and emergency department ofrnALERT hospital. For statistical analysis, Epi-data version 4.6 and SPSS version 25 werernemployed, and Fisher's exact test was performed to determine the statistical association. rnResults: Male to female ratio was 259:103, with the 24–33 age group predominantly affectedrnby trauma. The most common time of injury was 8–6 a.m., and the taxi was the predominantrnmode of arrival to the hospital (59.7%). Inter personal violence (IPV) is the most commonrnaccident, accounting for 31.8 %. Road traffic injury (R.T.I.) is the second most common causernof injury accounted for 30.7% of victims, three wheelers or Bajaj (45%) dominated over othersrnvehicles. Mostly pedestrian was affected 62.1%. The Kampala severity score II (KTS II) werernshow milled trauma (82.3%), moderate trauma (11%), and severe trauma account (6.6%). Openrnwound/ Soft tissue injury (44.2%) and Extremity fracture (24%) were the frontrunners injury,rnwith 11.3% of the victims were polytrauma. The mortality rate was 3.6%. rnConclusions and recommendation: The injury was prominently IPV and RTA, the traumarnvictims were young. The focus should be directed to injury prevention and safety measures. rnFuture studies can be directed to long term outcomes and follow up of injury victims to accountrnfor exact mortality and morbidity due to such unfortunate events.

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Clinical Profile And Outcome Of Trauma Among Adult Patient Treated At Alert Hospital Trauma Center Emergency Department Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.