Knowledge And Practice Of Nurses Towards The Prevention Of Catheter- Associated Urinary Tract Infection Working In Intensive Care Unit Of Federally Administer Hospitals In Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.

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AbstractrnBackground:Urinary catheterization is one of the most common procedures performed inrnhospitals especially in intensive care units and the single highest risk factor for acquiredrnUTIs.More than 75% of all acquired UTI are due to catheter use.Nurses are the primaryrnhealthcare providers who are responsible for inserting and maintaining urinary catheters. Butrnmost of the nurses had an inadequate level of knowledge and practice regarding the prevention ofrncatheter-associated urinary tract infection.rnObjective:This study aimedto assess the knowledge and practice of nurses towards thernprevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI)workingin the Intensive CarernUnitoffederally administeredhospitals inAddisAbaba Ethiopia,2021 G.C.rnMethods: A descriptive cross-sectional study wasconducted.A total of 184 nurses werernparticipated by census sampling method. Data was collected by self-administeredrnquestionary.Data wereentered by using epi data 4.6.0 and was analyzed by SPSS versionrn26.0.Pearson chi-square and Fischer exact testswere performed to see the association betweenrnindependent and dependent variables.A P< 0.05 was consideredstatistically significant.rnResults; the study findings showed that more than half of nurses 116 (63.04%) had a poor levelrnof knowledge while only 68 (36.96%)had a good level of knowledge and 96 (52.17%)of nursesrnhad a good level of practice while88 (47.83%) had a poor level of practice. There was arnstatistical association between nurse’s knowledge and experiences a (p-value=0.031).While therernwas no statistical association between nurse’s knowledge and practicelevel and nurse’srnknowledge and practice with age, sex, level of education, marital status, training, andrnguidelines/protocols a (p-value>0.05).rnConclusion and Recommendation: results showed that nurses had a poor level of knowledgernand practice for the prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infection.Further studiesrnwithlarge sample sizesneed to investigate factors affecting nurse’s knowledge and practicerntowards the prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infection.

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Knowledge And Practice Of Nurses Towards The Prevention Of Catheter- Associated Urinary Tract Infection Working In Intensive Care Unit Of Federally Administer Hospitals In Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.