Pattern Of Orthopedic Injuries Related To Rta Among Patients Managed At Emergency Department Of Tash Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.

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Background: Road Traffic Accident (RTA) is an accident which occurs on a way or street openrnto public traffic; resulted in one or more people is being killed or injured, and at least one movingrnvehicle involved. Most of orthopedic injuries are caused by RTA. Orthopedic injury is any injuryrnto the musculoskeletal system. Often, relating to the bones and joints as a result of an accident orrntrauma to the body. Each year approximately 1.3 million people lose their lives on the road and asrnmany as 50 million others are injured and because of injury every year 12 million people disabledrnand from them 6 million people develop permanent disability. Most of those disabilities are causedrnby orthopedic injuries. rnObjective: The aim of this study is to assess pattern of orthopedic injuries related to road trafficrnaccident among patients managed at the emergency department of TASH in Addis Ababa Ethiopia,rn2021. rnMethod: Institutional based retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted from March tillrnJune 2021 G.C. A total of 354 patients’ chart was selected by using systematic random samplingrntechnique. Data was entered into Epi data version 4.2 & analyzed by SPSS version 26.0 software. rnResult: A total of 354 RTA victims with orthopedic injury were included in the study. The studyrnreveals that male were mostly injured person (71.7%) with age group of 13-24. Taxi accounts forrn36.3% of cause of injury followed by motorbike (27.4%) & lower limb were the commonestrnanatomic site of injury (47.9). From all injury type fracture is the commonest one with 71.1%rnespecially lower limb fracture (42.1%). More than half victim (59.5%) had open wound. 51.8%rnexperience RTA while they are crossing or walking around road. rnConclusion: Reproductive age groups are most vulnerable age groups to RTA. According to myrnfinding the major cause of RTA was minibus and pedestrian were the most injured victims.

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Pattern Of Orthopedic Injuries Related To Rta Among Patients Managed At Emergency Department Of Tash Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.