Clinical Profile Of Patients With Hematologic Malignancy In Tikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital Emergency Department.

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Background: Hematologic malignancies are among the top non-communicable issues thatrnbecome a concern for our society and health care system. Tikur Anbesa specialized hospital isrnone of the hematologic centers and the only referral in the country for hematologic malignancy.The main aim of this study is to know the clinical profile of hematologic malignancy patientspresent to the adult emergency department of Tikur Anbesa specialized hospital. rnMethods. A prospective study was conducted on hematologic malignancy patients whornpresented to ED from March 2021 to September 2021 by using a pretested standardquestionnaire in the adult emergency department of Tikur Anbessa Hospital. A total of 168rnpatients were found during the study period and included in this study. rnResult and discussion: Out of 168 patients 103(61.3%) were males. The age group between 20rnto 40 years old was the most frequent 66(39.4%) and the age group above 60 years was the least19(11.3%). The travel time to the hospital was more than two hours for 76.8% of patients. Easyrnfatigability was the most common presenting complaint 69(41.1%) followed by fever and weightrnloss/loss of appetite (14.9%). A total of 46.4% patients presents after two months of symptomrnonset. The most common hematologic malignancy was ALL (44,26.2%) followed by CML,AML, and NHL 22%,20.8%, and 11.9% respectively.128(76.2%) of patients have stayed in theED for more than 24 hours and lack of bed in the wards were the main reason for ED stay for thernmajority of patients which account 47.6%. rnConclusion: Hematologic malignancy is common in TASH ED and most of the patients travelrnmore than two hours from rural areas and stay longer in ED to get beds in the wards and starttreatment so it is important to consider opening other hematologic centers to address these issues.Most of the patients present late with advanced disease and complications so community healtheducation and awareness creation are very important to overcome this issue.

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Clinical Profile Of Patients With Hematologic Malignancy In Tikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital Emergency Department.