Assessment Of Magnitude Of Burnout Among Emergency Physicians And Emergency Residents Working In Hospitals Found In Addis Ababa From June1 To July 30 2021

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Background: Burnout is very common in the contemporary work place. It is common amongrnhealth care workers who work in emergency department. It is defined as syndrome of a reducedrnsense of personal accomplishment, emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, amongstrnindividuals who work with other people High intensity of workload, working alone, lack ofrnsocial support, lack of free time, unsociable Rota, violent, abusive or demanding patients,rnseriously ill patients are common predisposing factorsrnObjective: The objective of this study was to determine the magnitude of burnout amongrnemergency physicians and emergency residents who are working in different hospitals in AddisrnAbaba and specifically the levels of subscales of burnout. rnMethod: The study areas were Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital (TASH) and st.paulrnspecialized hospital and other hospitals which are located in Addis Ababa, the capital city ofrnEthiopia. Cross sectional study was conducted from June 1 to July 30 2021, data was collected rnonline from emergency and critical care physicians and residents. The data was entered into spssrn26 after checking for completeness. rnResults: Sixty eight participants completed the questionnaire out of 114 emergency and criticalrncare residents and consultants working at different hospitals in Addis Ababa. Among the 68rneligible respondents 50% of them are between the age of 30 and 40 years and the rest of 50% arernless than 30 years. 70.6% respondents were male and 38(52.9%) were single. Twenty four of thernrespondents were first year EMCCM residents, fifteen respondents were consultants and two ofrnthe respondents were subspecialists. Forty nine (72.1%) of the respondents had less than 5 yearsrnof duration of medical practice and 92.6% of the respondents had not planned to leave thernspecialty in the next 12 months. For the subscales of burnout, emotional exhaustion the meanrnscore was 18.22 with standard deviation of 11.685, for personal accomplishment mean score wasrn25 with standard deviation of 12.519 and for depersonalization mean score was 7.21 withrnstandard deviation of 6.149. the magnitude of burnout as defined by high emotional exhaustionrnand high depersonalization and low personal accomplishment was 8.8%%, plan to leave thernspecialty in 12months was significantly associated with burnout with p value of 0.04. rnConclusion and recommendation: As indicated in this study the magnitude and the levelrnof burnout among emergency and critical care residents and consultants who were working in rndifferent hospitals in Addis Ababa was low. Further larger scale study recommended to be donernon this important work place phenomenon.

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Assessment Of Magnitude Of Burnout Among Emergency Physicians And Emergency Residents Working In Hospitals Found In Addis Ababa From June1 To July 30 2021