Assessment Of The Knowledge Attitude And Practice On Universal Precaution Among Emergency Medicine Professionals In Emergency Room Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospitalaauethiopia2013g.c.

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Background employing universal precautions means taking precautions with everybody. Ifrnprecautions are taken with everyone, health care workers do not have to make assumptions aboutrnpeople's lifestyles and risk of infection.rnObjectives: The main objective of the study was, to assess the knowledge, attitude and practicesrnabout universal precautions among emergency medical professionals and factors associated withrnits practice in emergency unit.rnMethods: This hospital based cross sectional descriptive survey was conducted in Tikur AnbessarnSpecialized hospital, AAU from February through June 2013. rnThe study was carried out using a structured questionnaire which was self-administered to allrnemergency medicine personnel after preliminary introduction at a plenary session. The study wasrnuse both quantitative (which was self-administered) & qualitative(to which an Observationrncheck-list was used to observe whether or not the staff members involved in patient managementrnis using an appropriate technique and timing as per the set guideline) methods. Data was entered,rncleaned and analyzed using SPSS for Windows version 16. Frequencies, percentage and graphsrnwas used for descriptive purposes. rnStudy period –study period was from February 2013 to June 2013.The total budget for thernaccomplishing of this study was 18,465.50 ETB.rnResults-Only 15(24.6%) of the respondents know the presence of anti HIV prophylaxis afterrnsustaining needle stick or sharp injuries while 46 (75.4%) didn’t know. The respondents who had rnperceived risk of acquiring HIV infection from their health facility waste, when disposedrnimproperly, 2 said the risk would be for HCW, 3 for supportive staff, 40 (65.6%) for both healthrnprofessionals & supportive staff and 8 said would be for Health Professionals, Supportive staff,rnthe client / patient & the community. rnAmong the emergency medicine professionals 36(59%) perceived that oxygen delivery materialsrnlike mask, nasal cannula & prong can be reusable whereas 25(41%) perceived as this materialsrncan’t be reused. Concerning needle recapping after use, 51(83.6%) the respondents perceived rnthat it should not be recapped and the remaining 10(16.4%) were said should be recapped afterrnuse. rnDiscussion-Poor hand washing practice by emergency medicine professionals were foundrnbefore and after touching the patients were found. Emergency medicine professionals were not rnproperly handling, and disposing used Needle/sharp materials in the study area. Personalrnprotective devices particularly mask and eye goggles, boots etc. were not available during thernsurvey.

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Assessment Of The Knowledge Attitude And Practice On Universal Precaution Among Emergency Medicine Professionals In Emergency Room Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospitalaauethiopia2013g.c.