Heritage Politics And Its Implications On Heritage Tourism The Case Of Emperor Minilik Ii Monument And Red Terror Museum

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Heritage can be understood as an important political and cultural tool as well as empoweringrndiscourse in defining and legitimizing the identity, experiences and social / cultural position of arnsociety. In Ethiopia also in three consecutive regimes different statues were erected to representrnthe political system of the time. On the other hand it is important to recognize Heritage tourismrnas the world’s most important segment of tourism with multi billion dollars revenue. As far asrnthe type of research is concerned, this study employed a qualitative research approach and usedrna combination of descriptive and explanatory inquiries. Research findings based on data fromrnboth primary and secondary sources of information are presented under sections andrnsubsections reflecting the thematic analysis of the data. As to respondents, in different regimesrnand different political ideologies, heritages will have different interpretations. Following thatrnpolitics can have both positive and negative relation with heritages as politicians will favor andrntake a good care of those heritages that can add value for their political ideologies and disfavorrnthose which are against their ideologies. This is because in the long history of multi-ethnicrnEthiopia, politics fell under the control of few. On the other side, respondents who are notrnpoliticians mention political interpretation can affect heritages for good and for bad. Beyondrnthat the interpretation given can make heritages the property of all not of a certain group. Theserntwo heritages are exposed to different political disputes because of politics and heritagesrnattachment. Heritage and cultural tourism is becoming a multibillion-dollar activity in spite ofrnthe fact that they are interwoven with politics. Heritage tourism is not only of economicrnsignificance but also stands out for having an important role to play with the facilitation ofrnreconciliation, inclusiveness, commemoration and the formation of a national identity. Whilst itrnis important to address heritage issues through all those ways, as long as there are people orrngroups who are using heritages as tools of political sabotage and used to amplify their politicalrninterest, heritage politics issues need to be addressed. The Government should open up politicalrnand social vacuums particularly for those who hold different perspectives, before they are forcedrnto reflect it in wrong ways. Finally, society should be mindful enough to hear and accept fromrnthe professionals who are specialized on the issue of heritages than fraud politicians.

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Heritage Politics And Its Implications On Heritage Tourism The Case Of Emperor Minilik Ii Monument And Red Terror Museum