The number of passengers carried by Ethiopian Airline has climbed to roughly 12 million, with 8rnmillion or 70% of these being transit passengers. These promising numbers of travelers provide arnhuge opportunity for airport shopping tourism. However, it is neglected by researchers, hence; thernpurpose of this study was focused on the motivation, practice and the influence of socio-demographicrncharacteristics of transit passengers on their shopping behaviors at Bole International Airport. Arncross-sectional design and mixed method approach (both qualitative and quantitative) descriptivernsurveys were utilized in a research. Data was collected from 18 interviews and 387 questionnaires ofrntransit passengers using convenience sampling. Qualitative data were analyzed using thematicrnanalysis and social practice theory framework and inferential statistics for analyzing quantitative datarnprocessed via using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).more specifically, quantitative datarnwere analyzed via Kruskal Wallis Test, Independent sample Mann Whitney U-Test and Chi-square testrnof independence. The findings revealed that the practice of transit passenger shopping practicernconsists of three interconnected elements: material, competences, and meaning. The most frequentlyrnmentioned material aspects include the cosmetics, perfumes, duty-free liquors, chocolates, andrnsouvenirs. Furthermore, the study also reveal that five shopping motive factors of transit passengers,rnsuch as “Airport associated motivation “and “Hedonic motivationâ€, accomplishment motivation,rnutilitarian motivation, and “social motivation†were identified using principal component analysisrn(PCA). In addition, socio-demographic factor such as age, gender and marital status have significantrninfluence on shopping motivation at the airport. In conclusion, retailers and airport shopping arearnmanagement should place a high priority on these characteristics in order to maximize theirrneffectiveness of transit passenger shopping practice. Hence; airport management should planrnrenovations on shopping design, number of shops and variety.