Liquid Waste Management Practices And The Role Of Communal Treatment Plant In The Eastern Industrial Park Of Dukem Town

Environmental And Development Studies Project Topics

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Eastern industrial park was constructed for social and economic development, though somernof the industries inside the park are polluting the surrounding environment as they were notrnproperly treated and discharged to the environment. Consequently, the paper intended tornassess liquid waste management practices and the role of Communal treatment plant. Inrndoing so, the researcher used mixed research employing both qualitative and quantitativerndata. Both primary and secondary data were used in the study. On the other hand, cluster,rnpurposive and systematic sampling were used to select the required sample while SPSSrnsoftware was used for quantitative data analysis and thematic analysis was employed forrnqualitative data analysis. Researcher found out that with the exception of Linda garment andrnZhongshun Cement manufacturing the rest sampled companies had primary treatment plant.rnHowever, the treatment plant in each company was not efficient in treating the liquid wastesrnfrom the companies. On the other hand, based on perception of employees of industries therernwas no effective liquid waste communal treatment plant and the treatment of liquid waste inrnthe communal treatment plant was not as per the national standard. Besides, there was nornbenefit of communal treatment plant for the environment in general and the health of localrnpeople in particular. Furthermore, there was no sufficient equipment and facilities, bestrnselection of treatment process and good treatment system design in the communal treatmentrnplant of Industrial Park. Formulation and enforcement of legislation and training andrnmotivation of personnel were the factors that highly determine the existence of effective liquidrnwaste management practices. While satisfaction with the financing and investment inrnequipment and facilities, training and motivation of personnel and agreement on the publicrneducation and involvement in the liquid waste management practices are the factors thatrnhighly determine the dependent variable the existence of sufficient facilities and equipment forrnliquid waste management practices. Each company was recommended to have efficientrnprimary treatment plant. Besides, making sample test regularly from the effluents dischargedrnto the communal treatment plant was also recommended by the researcher. Furthermore, thernindustry park recommended to plant efficient treatment plant with sufficient facilities usingrnmodern and efficient technologies that reduce liquid waste pollution.

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Liquid Waste Management Practices And The Role Of Communal Treatment Plant In The Eastern Industrial Park Of Dukem Town