Assessment Of Determinants Of Climate Smart Agriculture Practice Adoption In Gozamin District North West Ethiopia

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Climate change impacts on production are expected to translate into economic impacts atrnvarious scales. At farm level, climate change will cause reduced income for households whichrnwill limit the capacity to acquire assets. However, the existing empirical literature showsrndifferent factors contribute for the adoption of climate smart agriculture practice. The purpose ofrnthis study was to identify the factors of assessment of determinants of climate smart agriculturernpractice adoption in Gozamin district, North West Ethiopia. This study used a cross sectionalrnsurvey research design. Structured interview questionnaire with 323 sample respondents werernheld to collect primary data from the sample respondents, who were selected using probabilityrnsampling technique supplemented by key informant interview. Descriptive statistics and binaryrnlogistic regression model were used to identify demographic, socio-economic and extensionrnservice determinants that determine the assessment of climate smart agricultural practicesrnadoption in the study area. The result show that 43.34% of the household heads adopted climaternsmart agriculture. The resulting distribution show that, climate smart agriculture practices: croprnrotation (25.53%), inter-cropping (20.57%), soil and water conservation (16.31%), organicrnfertilizer (15.6%), agroforestry (8.51%), mulching (4.96%), improved grazing (4.26%),rnimproved seed (2.13%) were adopted by the respondents in the study area. The study found that,rnvariables such as sex, educational status, access to extension service, credit and training arernsignificantly and positively affects the assessment of climate smart agriculture practice adoptionrnin the study area. Whereas, land size significantly and negatively affects the adoption of climaternsmart agriculture practice in the study area. Thus, in the process of adoption of climate smartrnagriculture, these variables should be considered by the agriculture sector decision makers,rndonor agencies at different level and individual farm household heads

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Assessment Of Determinants Of Climate Smart Agriculture Practice Adoption In Gozamin District North West Ethiopia