A Study On Service Quality And Tourist Satisfaction The Case Of Unity Park Addis Ababa

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Ethiopia is endowed with unique and untapped cultural, natural, and mixed heritages. However,rnmany studies revealed that the quality of services being offered by tourism establishments is poorrnindicating that it is not in a position to meet the expectation of tourists. Therefore, the majorrnobjective of this study was to investigate the service quality and satisfaction level of tourists inrnUnity Park, Addis Ababa. To achieve this objective, questionnaire was designed to measurernservice quality having five dimensions of the SERVEQUAL model i.e. tangibility, reliability,rnresponsiveness, assurance, and empathy. Using mixed methods and convenience sampling, arntotal of 400 questionnaire respondents are used to find the gap analysis of expected service andrnperceived service. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze quantitative data.rnThe results of descriptive statistics revealed that the mean values for actual service quality andrntourist satisfaction were 4.11 and 4.14, respectively. Tourists were more satisfied with all servicernquality dimensions as perceived value exceeds the expected value by 1.26. The correlation resultrnshows that there is positive and significant relationship between service quality and touristrnsatisfaction. The finding also indicates that the highest relationship was found between empathyrnand tourist satisfaction(r=0.594), while the lowest relationship was found betweenrnresponsiveness and tourist satisfaction(r=0.546). Even though the study revealed positive result,rnthere are problems such as the price of entrance and other amenities, accessibility of tour guidesrnand historical sites, performance of tour guides, parking, and accessibility for disable visitors,rninternal transport, queues at checking points and other additional facilities. Price reassessment,rnaccession and trained the number of tour guides, providing additional gate, completing thernongoing park as well as creating awareness and sense of ownership to all stake holders werernrecommended to sustain the service quality of Unity Park.

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A Study On Service Quality And Tourist Satisfaction The Case Of Unity Park Addis Ababa