Assessing The Role Of Domestic Religious Tourism Associations For Peace Building In Ethiopia The Case Of Hawire Hiwot Pilgrimages

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The general objective of the study was to investigate the missing link between domesticrnreligious tourism associations and peace building in Ethiopia. Due to its appropriatenessrnand relevance descriptive were employed. Population of the study comprised of travelrnorganizers, center coordinators, preachers, Hawire Hiwot pilgrims travel in differentrnsites from Addis Ababa head office of Mahebere Kedusan and stakeholder. For thisrnresearch, purposive sampling was used to pick the sample from travel managers, travelrnplanners, and preachers who had huge experience of involving in Hawire Hiwot travelrnpackages and staffs who directly and indirectly take part in managing the travel andrnstakeholder in the field. Out of 20,000 pilgrims travelled on per a single trip, thernresearcher selected travelers who made trip more than 3 times to get plenty informationrnsince participant observation was not possible due to Covid 19. And 200 of them hadrntrack record of travelling more than 3 times as pilgrims in different religious sites. Thernprimary data were collected through questionnaire and semi-structured interview.rnSecondary data were collected from both published and unpublished sources such asrnbooks, journals, unpublished reports and internet sources. Core findings of the study arerndomestic religious tourism associations have roles in peace building of a country byrnpromoting tolerance, acceptance and resolving conflicts in peaceful manner. In relationrnto building peace at the destination areas the research revealed that Hawire Hiwot hasrnlow impact on the peace building process of the destination area. Therefore, it isrnrecommended that the association should enlarge its focus areas of work using religion as thernmeans to social transformation and the plat forms for engaging need to be so interactive. Thernassociation has to involve in all sorts of peace-building activities, including advocacy,rneducation, inter-faith and intra-faith dialogue, mediation, observation and transitionalrnjustice actors.

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Assessing The Role Of Domestic Religious Tourism Associations For Peace Building In Ethiopia The Case Of Hawire Hiwot Pilgrimages